Franklin Historic District Design Guidelines

EFFECTIVE MAY 30, 2022 107 chapter 5 New Accessory Structures Placement & Orientation • Locate accessory structures behind the rear plane of the principal building. • Orient an accessory structure front facade to be parallel with the principal building front facade and place them in traditional locations in line with other visible accessory structures in the district. • Locate new accessory structures to be secondary in prominence to the historic principal buildings on the site or in the district. New accessory structures should not block the view of principal buildings from public viewsheds. Building Form • Design accessory structures to be compatible with and visually subordinate in size, mass, and height to the principal building they support. • Make new accessory structures compatible in proportions with adjacent structures. If larger-than-historically-typical accessory structures are desired, break up the mass into small portions that reflect more traditional sizing and form.