Franklin Historic District Design Guidelines

chapter 6 EFFECTIVE MAY 30, 2022 117 Driveways & Parking Residential Buildings • Minimize the visual impact of parking by following historic patterns that locate parking and driveways along rear or side of buildings. Parking for nonresidential uses in residential buildings should be located behind the building and should be further screened from off-site. • Design driveways to follow historic patterns. Ribbon or Hollywood driveways may be appropriate, but circular driveways in front yards are not appropriate as they are not traditionally found in the districts. • Use durable materials that were historically typical for driveways such as gravel, concrete, bricks, and asphalt. Materials for parking areas for nonresidential uses in residential buildings must comply with the Zoning Ordinance. • Minimize changes in topography resulting from new elements, like driveways and walkways, through appropriate siting and design. New site elements should work with, rather than change, character-defining topography when necessary. Commercial and Civic Buildings • Minimize the visual impact of parking by locating parking areas behind buildings, and use landscaping or walls to further screen parking from off-site.