Franklin Historic District Design Guidelines

FRANKLIN HISTORIC DISTRICT DESIGN GUIDELINES 118 Site & Setting Streetscape Lighting Original Light Fixtures • Preserve and maintain original light fixtures. • Repair and retrofit historic light fixtures whenever possible. • Replace missing light fixtures if sufficient documentation exists. • Where historic fixtures remain and additional lighting is needed, add new fixtures to be subordinate to the historic fixtures in terms of placement, scale, design, and illumination. New Light Fixtures • Design light fixtures and their placement to be compatible with and subordinate to historic buildings and the surrounding historic context. • Use existing or ambient streetlight or storefront lighting rather than adding new lighting whenever possible. • If new light fixtures are necessary, use concealed lighting or fixtures that are simple in character but compatible with the placement, design, scale, materials, and quality of lighting on adjacent historic buildings. Do not use an imitation historic fixture that may convey a false sense of history. • Use the smallest possible fixtures hidden underneath cornices and parapets to minimize visual impacts to the extent feasible. • Install lighting at the ground level of buildings only. Streetscape Streetscape Elements • When introducing new streetscape elements, use compatibility with the downtown elements and ensure that they support the traditional character of the area. • Do not introduce continuous metal or concrete canopies, oversized kiosks or gazebos, or ornate street furniture.