Franklin Historic District Design Guidelines

FRANKLIN HISTORIC DISTRICT DESIGN GUIDELINES 126 Fences, Walls, & Gates Design Principles Based on Location Rear Yards and Areas At Least 20 Feet Behind the Front Facade • Use wood picket, vertical wood plank, split rail, horse fencing, brick, cast iron, or similar metal fencing, as appropriate based on the site and setting. Avoid chain-link fencing. • Where desired, use fences and walls to fully screen rear yards for privacy. Screen pools from street view. • Design a fence or wall in the rear yard in accordance with the heights permitted in the Zoning Ordinance, based on the property’s zoning district designation. • Reference the Zoning retaining walls based on visibility If a retaining wall is visible from the street, then refer to the guidance in the front yards. 2 1 Limit height to 3 feet in the front yard 1 2 Limit height to 7 feet in the rear yard 3 3 End of front yard is 20 feet behind front facade