Franklin Historic District Design Guidelines

FRANKLIN HISTORIC DISTRICT DESIGN GUIDELINES 14 introduction  Residential buildings were originally constructed as residences and typically have pitched roof forms, although certain residential buildings may contain commercial uses, as regulated by the Zoning Ordinance. Commercial buildings typically have flat roofs and parapet walls, and were originally constructed for nonresidential purposes. Civic buildings are typically associated with civic and institutional uses, including government, religious, educational, and other public purposes. They are often unique and highly recognizable landmarks that relate to their surroundings. When considering changes or additions to an existing building in the historic district, the appropriate guidance will be found in the Chapter that most closely addresses the form of the original building to which the exterior alterations are being proposed. Within each Chapter, guidance is divided into sections. Guidance for alterations to historic buildings is provided in the Historic Section, guidance for additions is found within the Additions Section, and guidance for alterations and additions to non-historic buildings is found within the NonHistoric Section. The character and form of surrounding historic buildings should influence the design of new buildings within the historic district. In some locations, new buildings should be designed using commercial building guidance. In other locations, new buildings intended for commercial use would better blend with the established character if designed using the new residential building guidance. Guidance for new civic buildings should only be used for civic and institutional uses, per the Zoning Ordinance, but given its context, a civic building may need to blend in with surrounding residential or rural character. Guidance for new buildings is found within the New Buildings Section of the applicable Chapter. Please consult with the Preservation Planner for assistance in determining the applicable building form guidance.