Franklin Historic District Design Guidelines

FRANKLIN HISTORIC DISTRICT DESIGN GUIDELINES 156 Signs Specific Sign Guidelines Description A pair of advertisement boards connected at the top by straps or hinge designed to be placed on the sidewalk in front of the ground floor retail storefront/ tenant space Appropriate Building Types Commercial, Residential, and Civic Quantity Maximum of 1 per ground floor retail storefront/ tenant space Sign Area May have up to 2 sides, with a maximum of 6 square feet per side Placement On the sidewalk in front of the retail storefront/ tenant space and shall maintain 48 inches of sidewalk clearance for pedestrian circulation Placement in the public right-of-way is subject to permitting requirements per the Municipal Code Sandwich board signs qualify as convenience signs when located in convenience sign locations Height Maximum of 4 feet at the top of the sign area Materials Finished wood or metal, with matte background finishes rather than reflective or shiny background finishes Color Maximum of 3 colors, and with a darker background color than the lettering color Use muted colors that complement the facade, although vibrant colors may be considered as an accent Lighting No illumination permitted Sandwich Board Sign