Franklin Historic District Design Guidelines

FRANKLIN HISTORIC DISTRICT DESIGN GUIDELINES 158 Signs Specific Sign Guidelines Description A small sign that either hangs from beams, brackets, or poles or that projects from poles or brackets from the building Appropriate Building Types Commercial, Residential, and Civic Quantity for Commercial Buildings Maximum 1 per main entrance to a retail storefront/tenant space on the ground floor An additional sign may be considered where there is an entrance that provides a fully separated access stairwell to upper floor businesses/tenant spaces or where there is an entrance on a rear facade that faces a parking area Quantity for Residential and Civic Buildings Maximum of 1 per building An additional sign may be considered where there is an entrance on a rear facade that faces a parking area Sign Area May have up to 2 sides, with a maximum of 4.5 square feet per side Projection Projects from the building facade at a 90-degree angle or at a 45-degree angle when placed at a corner of a building Maximum of 4 feet from the building facade, inclusive of bracket depth Placement Place near the main entrance Height The top of the sign area should be no higher than the ground floor window/transom headers, but shall comply with 8-foot minimum clearance from the grade surface (generally defined as the sidewalk or porch floor) Materials Finished wood or metal, with matte background finishes rather than reflective or shiny background finishes Color Maximum of 3 colors, and with a darker background color than the lettering color Use muted colors that complement the facade, although vibrant colors may be considered as an accent Small Hanging/Projecting Sign