Franklin Historic District Design Guidelines

FRANKLIN HISTORIC DISTRICT DESIGN GUIDELINES 178 Demolition and RElocation Demolition by Neglect Demolition by Neglect Demolition by neglect is the long-term neglect of a historic structure that contributes to a level of dilapidation so severe that rehabilitationof the structure no longer serves as a viable option and demolition must be considered on account of the public safety and welfare of the community. • Avoid demolition by neglect. • Conduct routine maintenance and major repairs on historic structures in order to ensure their preservation. Demolition Considerations This Section provides guidelines for consideration of demolition of a historic structure. Demolition is not permitted unless there are extraordinary circumstances. Whendemolition is proposed, consider the following guidelines: • Determine the significance of the historic structure. An analysis should be undertaken to determine if the historic structure retains its integrity. • Consider the impact of removing the historic structure relative to its context. • Consider the condition of the structure in question. Demolition may be more appropriate when a building is deteriorated or in poor condition. • Consider the project proposed to replace the structure proposed for demolition and the future utilization of the site. • Consider that no historic structure shall be demolished for the purpose of providing a surface parking lot, per Zoning Ordinance. • Determine that the proposed redevelopment is consistent with the guidelines for new buildings and the regulations of the Zoning Ordinance. Demolition Approval Criteria Demolitionmay only be approved if the HZC deems one or more of the following conditions met: • If a building has lost its architectural and historical integrity and its removal will not adversely affect the district’s historic character. Loss of integrity must be substantiated with photographic documentation and a physical description of the property that addresses relevant issues. • If the denial of the demolition will result in an unreasonable economic hardship on the applicant as determined by the HZC. Please refer to