Franklin Historic District Design Guidelines

ACKNOWLEDGEmeNTS Franklin Historic District Design Guidelines The Franklin Historic District Design Guidelines (the Guidelines) were prepared by the City of Franklin Department of Planning & Sustainability in collaboration with Town Planning & Urban Design Collaborative, LLC and in partnershipwith theHistoric Zoning Commission and the Franklin community. Board of Mayor and Aldermen Ken Moore, Mayor Brandy Blanton, Vice Mayor, At-Large Beverly Burger, Ward 1 Matt Brown, Ward 2 Jason Potts, Ward 3 Patrick Baggett, Ward 4 Clyde Barnhill, At-Large Gabrielle Hanson, At-Large Ann Petersen, At-Large Franklin Historic Zoning Commission Jim Roberts, Chair Mary Pearce, Vice Chair Susan Besser Josh Denton Brian Laster Tyler LeMarinel Nick Mann, Franklin Municipal Planning Commission Representative Lisa Marquardt Kathy Worthington