Franklin Historic District Design Guidelines

FRANKLIN HISTORIC DISTRICT DESIGN GUIDELINES 20 introduction  Expiration of a COA COAs are valid for two years from the dates of their issuance. A single sixmonth extension may be granted by the Preservation Planner for work that has not yet commenced so long as the request is made in writing prior to the COA expiration date and the approved scope of work has not changed. For projects considered “vested” by the Zoning Ordinance, COAs are valid for the duration of the vesting period. Relationship to Other City Policies The Guidelines reflect the City’s goal to preserve its historic resources while promoting economic development. The Guidelines help to implement the broad policy and regulations of several City documents, including Envision Franklin, the Preservation Plan, the Franklin Zoning Ordinance, and the Franklin Parks Master Plan. The Guidelines may be periodically updated as other City policies and ordinances are updated to ensure consistency. Clerical Revisions The Department of Planning and Sustainability is authorized to make administrative clerical revisions to the document text so long as the changes are not substantive, such as cleaning up tables, clerical word corrections, typographical errors, table of contents adjustments, header and footer adjustments, font adjustments, amending graphics and supporting explanations based on approved document text, and adding or correcting references.