Franklin Historic District Design Guidelines

EFFECTIVE MAY 30, 2022 235 chapter 13 The mission of the HZC is to preserve and protect Franklin's historic resources through identification, designation, and design review Infill Development or redevelopment of buildings and structures on vacant or underused lots within areas containing existing structures In-Kind Replacement The replacement of existing materials with new materials that are identical in form and appearance Lattice An openwork grill of interlacing wood strips used as screening Lintel The horizontal top member of a window, door, or other opening Main Entrance The primary entrance for a building that is located on the ground floor and typically faces the street Masonry Exterior wall construction of brick, stone or concrete. Fiber cement siding, stucco, and Exterior Insulation and Finish System (EIFS) are not considered masonry Massing The perception of the general shape, size, and form of a building Mixed-Use Development Development that includes both residential and non-residential Mortar A mixture of sand, lime, cement, and water used as a binding agent in masonry construction Mullion A heavy vertical divider between windows or doors Multi-Light Window A window sash composed of more than one pane of glass Muntin A secondary framing member to divide and hold the panes of glass in multi-light window or glazed door Ogee Gutters Gutters with flat backs that resemble crown molding. The bottoms are flat and straight and the sides are outwardly angled Oriel Window A bay window which emerges above the ground floor level Parapet That part of a building facade that rises above the roof level, typically obscuring a flat roof as well as any roof-mounted equipment Partial Demolition Selective removal of portions of a building rather than the building as a whole Pilaster A rectangular column with a capital and base that is attached or affixed to a wall as an ornamental design feature