Franklin Historic District Design Guidelines

EFFECTIVE MAY 30, 2022 33 chapter 2 Chimneys • Preserve and maintain chimneys in accordance with the guidelines for masonry. Do not remove or alter historic chimneys. Avoid covering with stucco or any other treatment. • See Materials and Exterior Finishes for guidance on maintaining masonry. If chimneys are collapsed or unstable, reconstruct them to match their original appearances, if known. If not known, use designs and materials typical for the age and style of the building. • If chimney caps are desired, use clay, slate, stone, or low-profile metal caps (painted to match the brick) that do not overhang the rim of the chimney. Gutters & Downspouts • Preserve and maintain historic gutters and downspouts. • Repair and replace damaged gutters and downspouts. • Use gutters, downspouts, and splash blocks in a design appropriate to the age of the building they support. Use half-round gutters if the building dates from before the 1930s. Use ogee gutters if the building dates from after the 1930s. • Locate downspouts away from architectural features and in less visible locations. Modern Features • See Chapter 9, Modern Features, for guidelines on mechanical equipment, communications equipment, fire escapes and exterior staircases, ramps and lifts, rooftop features, security bars, skylights, and solar installations.