Franklin Historic District Design Guidelines

FRANKLIN HISTORIC DISTRICT DESIGN GUIDELINES 40 Residential Buildings Additions to Historic Residential Buildings Roofs • Design roof shapes, pitch, and level of complexity to be similar to but subordinate to the historic building. Size • Design the size of an addition to be subordinate to that of the historic building. The building footprint of an addition should not exceed 50 percent of the building footprint of the historic portions of the building (portions to remain that are at least 50 years of age). • Size the overall building footprints (of all portions of the existing principal buildings, accessory structures, and proposed additions on the lot) so that it does not exceed 35 percent of the lot. • Building footprint is considered the area within the exterior walls or outermost projection of the roof of a building, inclusive of porches, stoops, awnings, and interior courtyards. Decks and steps are not included in the building footprint. 50% 2 1 1 A building addition (shown in yellow) should not exceed 50 percent of the historic building footprint (as shown in white) 2 Any portions of the building approved for demolition by the HZC are not counted towards the size of the historic building footprint