Franklin Historic District Design Guidelines

FRANKLIN HISTORIC DISTRICT DESIGN GUIDELINES 44 Residential Buildings Additions to Historic Residential Buildings Dormers • Place dormers on additions in locations with obscured visibility from the front facade or street. • Appropriately size and locate dormers on the addition. Dormers should be designed to be similar yet subordinate in detailing, scale, width, and massing to dormers on the historic building. • Relate the style, scale, and proportion of dormer windows to windows on lower floors. • Use roof dormers instead of wall dormers and design them according to the graphic below: Dormer roof pitch should be at least 3:12 and no less than half the main roof pitch. Dormer should be recessed at least 1 foot from the exterior building wall. Dormer sidewalls should be at least 30 inches from the exterior building wall. Dormer should be located below the main ridge of the addition. 1 1 2 2 4 3 4 3