Franklin Historic District Design Guidelines

FRANKLIN HISTORIC DISTRICT DESIGN GUIDELINES 48 Residential Buildings Non-Historic Residential Buildings surrounding historic buildings. • Design a cornice line, foundation line, window and door height, and floor and ceiling height of an addition to a non-historic buildings to be similar to those of the original building provided these elements on the original building blend harmoniously with the historic district. • Use the alteration or addition to a non-historic building to improve the overall structure’s appropriateness within the historic district. Size • Size the overall building footprints (of all portions of the existing principal buildings, accessory structures, and proposed additions on the lot) so that it does not exceed 35 percent of the lot. Porches, Stoops, Decks, & Porte Cocheres • Locate and orient a new porch or stoop on a nonhistoric residential building similarly to those seen in the district. • Size a front porch or stoop element to be at a similar proportion to the original structure as those seen in the district. • Design decks to rear or side facades with minimal visibility and use designs, materials, and scale in keeping with building character. • Add a Porte cochere if desired only if the feature is historically typical to the architectural style of the building. Foundations • Design a foundation to be consistent with the materials, height, and detailing of the historic residential buildings in the district. Materials & Exterior Finishes • Use materials and finishes with a character compatible to those used historically and with proven durability.