Franklin Historic District Design Guidelines

EFFECTIVE MAY 30, 2022 53 chapter 2 Placement & Orientation • Maintain the alignment of existing front yard setbacks on the block face while adhering to the Zoning Ordinance setback requirements. • Maintain the rhythm of buildings along the street. Space new buildings according to the historic precedent established on the same block face. If a side yard setback is not established by historic buildings on the same block face, the opposite block face should be considered. • Locate new buildings to be secondary in prominence to the historic structures on the site or in the district. New buildings should not block the view of historic buildings from public viewsheds so that the historic buildings retain their prominence. Building Form • Design the massing, size, scale, and proportions of new residential buildings to be compatible with nearby historic buildings. • Design new residential buildings to complement rather than detract from the character of the historic district. • Make new buildings compatible with adjacent building floor-to-ceiling heights. Appropriate heights for new construction range from eight feet to ten feet. • Use similar cornice alignment, foundation heights, and window and door heights as adjacent buildings. • Use roof and facade breaks to achieve similar forms to those of historic residential buildings in the district. • In areas where historic garages are generally detached, new garages should appear to be detached. Place garages in traditional locations behind the rear plane of the main form of the house or as otherwise not be visible from the street. Size • Size the overall building footprints (of all portions of the existing principal buildings, accessory structures, and proposed additions on the lot) so that it does not exceed 35 percent of the lot.