Franklin Historic District Design Guidelines

EFFECTIVE MAY 30, 2022 67 chapter 3 Roofs • Preserve historic commercial roof forms and materials. Roofing sections on main and other visible facades should remain unaltered. • If localized damage occurs, replace the damaged materials only. If partial or wholesale replacement is needed, use materials whose composition and appearance match the historic materials. Balconies, Porches, and Decks • Preserve and maintain the location and configuration of original balconies, porches, and decks. • Preserve original elements and materials, such as columns, flooring, railings, and decorative trim. • Maintain and repair deteriorated elements as needed and with materials that match the original materials. • Where replacement is required, replace in a fashion that preserves the key character-defining features of the historic building. Materials & Exterior Finishes Masonry • Preserve and maintain original exterior masonry walls and details. • Repair and, if needed, replace damaged masonry with new masonry which matches historic masonry as closely as possible in color, texture, and profile. • Avoid painting masonry walls that have not been previously painted unless walls have had extensive patching or repointing, resulting in a patchwork of masonry surfaces. • Clean exterior masonry using detergent or steam cleaning. If these are not effective, use low pressure (below 600 pounds per square inch) water cleaning and rinsing or chemical cleaners. Sandblasting can cause severe deterioration of masonry. This can be especially pronounced in bricks as sandblasting removes the exterior hard patina and exposes the soft inner core. Do not use sandblasting and other