Franklin Historic District Design Guidelines

EFFECTIVE MAY 30, 2022 75 chapter 3 Preliminary Design Considerations • Design additions to be subordinate in appearance to the historic building. Considerations include placement, size, massing, scale, height, setbacks, and materials. • Design additions so there is the least possible loss of historic fabric and so the character-defining features of the historic building are not removed, damaged, or obscured. • Wherever possible, construct additions in such a manner that, if an addition were to be removed, the essential form and integrity of the historic building would be unimpaired. • Avoid removal of sections of historic walls to accommodate additions unless significant structural deficiencies can be demonstrated. Design additions so that owners may remove the additions and restore the original facade if so desired. Placement & Orientation • Locate additions to the rear of the building so they are not visible from the street to ensure the visual prominence of the historic building. 1 • Avoid placing enclosed building additions on the rooftop. • Orient additions so that the overall characteristics of the site (site topography, character-defining site features, trees, and significant district vistas and public views) are retained.