Franklin Historic District Design Guidelines

EFFECTIVE MAY 30, 2022 79 chapter 3 Gutters & Downspouts • Match the gutter style to the historic building or use a complementary gutter style. • Locate downspouts away from architectural features and in less visible locations. Chimneys • Where considered appropriate, design chimneys to be compatible in materials and detailing, but simpler and subordinate in massing and height to historic chimneys in the district. • Use stone, brick, or brick veneer materials. • If chimney caps are desired, use clay, slate, stone, or low-profile metal caps (painted to match the brick) that do not overhang the rim of the chimney. Modern Features • See Chapter 9, Modern Features, for guidelines on mechanical equipment, communications equipment, fire escapes and exterior staircases, ramps and lifts, rooftop features, security bars, skylights, and solar installations.