Franklin Historic District Design Guidelines

FRANKLIN HISTORIC DISTRICT DESIGN GUIDELINES 82 Commercial buildings Non-Historic Commercial Buildings Materials & Exterior Finishes • Use materials and finishes with a character compatible to those used historically and with proven durability. • Use roof materials compatible with the district. • Maintain original material wherever possible provided the material is durable and compatible with the surrounding historic district. Details & Ornamentation • Design details and ornamentation to minimize impacts to the historic district. • Design details and ornamentation at a scale that is consistent with details and ornamentation on historic buildings in the district. • Restore the original features of non-contributing buildings to restore architectural integrity. Entrances • Design doors and doorways to an addition to be compatible with the historic district. • Design doors and doorways to an addition to read as secondary in appearance and detailing to the historic building. Windows • Design new windows and new window openings to be compatible with surrounding historic buildings. • Maintain a traditional solid-to-void ratio on building walls that is similar to those seen on historic buildings in the district. • Use a material and window type that is similar to those seen historically in the neighborhood. Composite materials that have the appearance of wood are appropriate for windows, stops, jambs, and trim. • Select a window light pattern that is compatible with the age and architectural style of the building.