Franklin Historic District Design Guidelines

FRANKLIN HISTORIC DISTRICT DESIGN GUIDELINES 84 Commercial buildings New Commercial Buildings This Section provides guidelines for the construction of new commercial buildings in the historic districts. New buildings should be designed for compatibility with nearby historic buildings on the same block face in terms of setbacks, massing, scale, height, size, form, proportions, and materials. The character of surrounding buildings should influence the design of the new building. In some locations, new buildings should be designed as commercial buildings in accordance with this Section. In other locations, new buildings intended for commercial use would better blend with the established character if designed according to the new residential building guidelines. Check with the Preservation Planner for assistance in determining the appropriate building form. In special cases where the replication of a significant historic building is desired on its original site, only those clearly documented through plans, photographic evidence, or other documentation may be considered. In these cases, historic markers or other signage should display the historical significance of the site and building. Placement & Orientation ����������������������85 Building Form ����������������������������������������85 Building Height �������������������������������������86 Storefronts �������������������������������������������87 Roofs �����������������������������������������������������89 Balconies, Porches, & Decks �����������������90 Details & Ornamentation ����������������������90 Signs ������������������������������������������������������90 Entrances ����������������������������������������������90 Windows �����������������������������������������������91 Awnings & Canopies �����������������������������92 Chimneys ���������������������������������������������93 Modern Features ����������������������������������93 New Commercial Buildings