Franklin Historic District Design Guidelines

FRANKLIN HISTORIC DISTRICT DESIGN GUIDELINES 86 Commercial buildings New Commercial Buildings • Maintain traditional rhythm and spacing patterns created by the massing of historic buildings along the street. • New commercial construction in this context should be sensitive to rearadjacent historic residential structures. Building Height New Buildings on Established Block Faces • Make the height of new buildings consistent with the height of all historic buildings on the same block face by designing buildings to be within ten percent above or below the average height of the historic buildings on the same block face. Average Building Height on the Block Face 10% Above the Average Building Height 10% Below the Average Building Height New Residential Building New Buildings for Larger Redevelopment Areas • Design the height of new buildings to be consistent with the height of historic commercial buildings in the district, which should not exceed two to three stories or be any taller than the commercial buildings on Main Street. • Transition the height of new buildings to be within ten percent of the