Franklin Historic District Design Guidelines

FRANKLIN HISTORIC DISTRICT DESIGN GUIDELINES 90 Commercial buildings New Commercial Buildings Balconies, Porches, & Decks • Place balconies and porches in traditional locations and configurations based on the architectural style of the building. • Use traditional materials and simple designs for balconies and porches. • Design decks in accordance with the guidance on decks for Additions to Historic Commercial Buildings. Details & Ornamentation • Design a building to reflect its time while respecting key features of its context. • Use decorative details in a manner that is compatible to those on nearby historic buildings while avoiding direct replication. • Avoid using decorative details that overpower or negatively impact nearby historic buildings. • Use forms for new construction that relate to the forms of the majority of surrounding buildings. For instance, if the form of adjacent buildings has a variety of projecting bays, dormers, etc., employ some of these elements in the new building. • Incorporate traditional facade elements and traditional entry patterns. • Design all facades to be compatible with the surrounding historic buildings. Signs • Consider signage placement as part of the overall building design. If multiple tenants are expected to occupy one building, their signs should be coordinated in terms of size and placement. See Chapter 8, Signs. Entrances • Maintain traditional entry patterns along the street. • Design new buildings to have their main entrances located on the front