Franklin Historic District Design Guidelines

EFFECTIVE MAY 30, 2022 93 chapter 3 • Size and place new canopies in locations that respect the design of the building. Canopies should be proportional with and complementary to nearby buildings and canopies. • Design new canopies simply to match historic equivalents and paint them muted colors that are complementary to the building and surrounding historic district. • Keep a minimum of eight feet between the lowest point of the canopy and the sidewalk or ground below, per Building Code. Gutters & Downspouts • Match the gutter style to the architectural style of the building. Use halfround gutters if the architectural style dates before the 1930s. Use ogee gutters if the architectural style dates after the 1930s. • Locate downspouts away from architectural features and in less visible locations. Chimneys • Where considered appropriate, design chimneys to be compatible in materials and detailing, but simpler and subordinate in massing and height to historic chimneys in the district. • Use stone, brick, or brick veneer materials. • If chimney caps are desired, use clay, slate, stone, or low-profile metal caps (painted to match the brick) that do not overhang the rim of the chimney. Modern Features • See Chapter 9, Modern Features, for guidelines on mechanical equipment, communications equipment, fire escapes and exterior staircases, ramps and lifts, rooftop features, security bars, skylights, and solar installations.