Franklin Historic District Design Guidelines

FRANKLIN HISTORIC DISTRICT DESIGN GUIDELINES 96 Civic Buildings Historic Civic Buildings Historic Civic Buildings • Preserve and maintain a historic civic building and its historic architectural features. Steeples, decorative ornamentation, decorative windows and window openings, masonry, historic roof materials, and entrance elements are examples of architectural features that contribute to the historic character of the building. If architectural features are determined by the HZC to be required, replacement should be in kind. • When restoring a building, use photographic evidence wherever possible. • Avoid adding steeples, awnings, balconies, chimneys, dormers, porches, shutters, or other architectural detailing to historic civic buildings where they did not exist historically. • See the Section on Historic Commercial Buildings for guidance on roofs, materials and exterior finishes, details and ornamentation, entrances, windows, canopies, and gutters and downspouts. • See Chapter 9, Modern Features, for guidelines on mechanical equipment, communications equipment, fire escapes and exterior staircases, ramps and lifts, rooftop features, security bars, skylights, and solar installations.