Franklin Historic District Design Guidelines

EFFECTIVE MAY 30, 2022 99 chapter 4 • Transition the height, massing, and scale of a new civic building by using the following methods: Use a building stepback of 20 feet or more from the stories below; divide the building into smaller parts to reduce effective visual bulk; set back a civic building that has larger massing or scale than surrounding buildings to prevent a looming presence. Additional setback is particularly important for a civic building in a residential context. • Utilize other techniques that break up the scale of a civic building to complement the historic district, as determined appropriate by the HZC. Building Height • Design the height of new civic buildings to be consistent with the height of historic buildings in the district, which should not exceed two to three stories or be any taller than the commercial buildings on Main Street. Materials & Exterior Finishes • Use building materials that create a sense of permanence, such as brick or stone. • See the Section on New Commercial Buildings for additional guidance on materials and exterior finishes. Roof • Use a roof shape that complements the architectural style of the building. Details & Ornamentation • Design a building to reflect its time while respecting key features of its context. • Use decorative details in a manner that is compatible to those on nearby historic buildings while avoiding direct replication. • Use detailing that allows a civic building to serve as a focal point but avoid decorative detail that overpowers or negatively impacts nearby historic