Subdivision Regulations

Subdivision Regulations • Development Standards • 8 Franklin Subdivision Regulations • January 1, 2022 2.4 Streets and Alleys A. Residential subdivisions shall be served by public streets. Nonresidential and mixed-use developments shall be served by public streets or by public access easements having access to existing public streets. Streets, sidewalks, internal drives, and alleys shall conform to the Franklin Zoning Ordinance, the Franklin Transportation & Street Technical Standards, and Connect Franklin. B. There shall be no reserve strips controlling access to streets, except where the control of such strips is definitely placed with the community under conditions approved by the FMPC. C. Where the plat to be submitted includes only part of the tract owned or intended for development by the applicant, a tentative plan or a proposed future street system for the unsubdivided portion shall be required. D. When a tract is subdivided into larger than normal building lots or parcels, such lots or parcels shall be arranged to permit the logical location and opening of future streets and appropriate resubdivision, with provision for adequate utility easements. E. All subdivision and street names shall be subject to the Addressing Manual Guidelines. 2.5 Lots A. Lots shall conform to the standards as described in the Franklin Zoning Ordinance. B. The subdivision shall meet the landscape requirements as set out in the Franklin Zoning Ordinance. C. In residential subdivisions, common open space, including development entrance signs, shall be platted as separate nonbuildable lots. D. Side lot lines shall be approximately at right angles or radial to street lines unless determined otherwise by the FMPC. 2.6 Easements Public easements shall be provided as required for public utilities and drainage infrastructure. Easements shall be of sufficient widths to permit access for the purpose of construction and maintenance by appropriate parties along the lines of, or across, lots.