Envision Franklin

Introduction | ENVISION FRANKLIN 11 “THE VISION DEFINES THE INSPIRATIONAL LONG-TERM GOALS THAT WILL SERVE AS A CLEAR GUIDE FOR FUTURE DECISION MAKING.” PLAN ELEMENTS Each component of this Plan has a role to play. Some parts are broad and visionary, while others are specific and detailed. Each part of the plan can only be understood when working together with the rest of the Plan. Vision and Guiding Principles The vision defines the inspirational long-term goals that will serve as a clear guide for future decision making. The guiding principles define the inspirational long-term goals for creating exceptional places for citizens while preserving the City’s unique identity and character. The principles will serve as a clear guide for future decision making and they are organized around eight topics: Managed Growth, Economic Vitality, Vibrant Neighborhoods, Historic Preservation, Natural Beauty, Exceptional Design, Connected Community, and Context-Responsive Infill. Design Concepts The design concepts are the keystones to this Plan and promote high-quality design while allowing land-use flexibility. Each design concept is mapped with desired land uses, building form, site design, mobility, and special considerations (related to a particular location). Along with the guiding principles, the design concepts provide general guidelines to be followed in the development design and review process. Definitions of Land Uses and Building Forms Land Uses and Building forms used in the Design Concepts section are identified, described, and defined in this section. Implementation This section provides direction on turning the vision into reality through development decisions, policy-based decisions, land regulation tools, and coordination and partnerships. The process and considerations for Plan updates and amendments are outlined. Process and Outreach This section summarizes the overall planning process, including the development suitability analysis, infill study, and identification of key issues facing the City. A significant component of the process was community engagement, which was undertaken through BOMA and FMPC interviews, community meetings, and an online survey.