Envision Franklin

Appendix | ENVISION FRANKLIN 151 The City of Franklin has grown from approximately two square miles in the 1960s to 44.82 square miles by 2022; since then, the State of Tennessee has amended laws regarding annexation that has changed how the City can grow. Annexation can only occur when initiated by property owner request, unless done by a referendum vote for a designated area. Additionally, State law allows for the annexation of properties that are noncontiguous to city limits, and for properties outside of a city’s Urban Growth Boundary when approved by referendum. This suitability analysis coincided with the City’s analysis of the drainage basins and the ability to serve with infrastructure that was studied to make a recommendation for the Williamson County Growth Plan Update that occurred in 2023. The City viewed basins holistically to determine the feasibility of annexation and extension of services to the basins if they continued to be part of the City’s Urban Growth Boundary. Annexation suitability was assessed as a part of the Envision Franklin comprehensive 5-year update and each drainage basin across the Urban Growth Boundary was reviewed using the following information: • Total and Developable Acreage • Future Land Use • The City’s ability to serve with water, sewer, roadway infrastructure, and fire service. • Cost of investment needed to provide the basin with service. • The vision for the basin as future development occurs. The culmination of this information led to the determination of whether the basin has short, mid, or longer-term annexation suitability, where shortterm was viewed as a 0-9 years, mid-term of 1019 years, and longer-term viewed as 20 years. The breakdown of this information, and the suitability assessment for each basin can be viewed in this appendix. APPENDIX C: ANNEXATION ANALYSIS