Envision Franklin

Appendix | ENVISION FRANKLIN 153 APPENDIX F CORRIDOR CHARACTER MATRIX AND MAP APPLICATION SECTION An important consideration in land use and transportation planning is the reciprocal relationship between these two functions. Transportation systems and their adjacent land uses shape the character of an area. The Corridor Character Map identifies the character or “personality” of the major and minor arterial and collector streets in the UGB. The chart below outlines how streets and public spaces should be designed to best interact with the land uses and character of an area. This chart is the basis for recommendations pertaining to land use and transportation decisions and outlines possible and optimal design considerations. The corridor character, and subsequent recommendations, does not attempt to alter the functional classification of streets. Rather, this application of desired design serves to enhance the qualitative experience along the corridor in a thoughtful, inclusive, and comprehensive way. This application considers organized land use patterns, sense of place, site access, and safe, comfortable, and balanced transportation options in its designations. The application of these policies should work in coordination with Connect Franklin and the Transportation and Street Technical Standards.