Envision Franklin

Design Concepts | ENVISION FRANKLIN 25 “THE DESIGN CONCEPTS ARE FOUNDED ON THE PRINCIPLE THAT WELLDESIGNED PLACES ARE ESSENTIAL TO PROTECTING AND ENHANCING COMMUNITY CHARACTER AND IMPROVING THE OVERALL LIVABILITY OF THE CITY OF FRANKLIN.” OVERVIEW The vision and guiding principles establish the overall direction and principal themes of this Plan. The framework established to implement the vision and guiding principles are the design concepts. The design concepts are founded on the principle that well-designed places are essential to protecting and enhancing community character and improving overall livability. The design concepts establish a series of design templates based on location that set forth the way different land uses can be developed and mixed relative to each other. Each concept lists primary land uses or building forms, and, in many cases, these are encouraged to be mixed. Secondary uses or building forms are also identified, but these should be in a supporting or limited capacity. The design concepts include recommendations on building form (height, placement, and character), site design (landscape, amenities, access, and parking), and transportation (vehicular, bicycle and pedestrian, and transit). Finally, each design concept includes a set of precedent images that graphically describe the intent of the concept. Many of the design concepts include an additional set of recommendations under the heading “Special Considerations.” These recommendations relate to specific neighborhoods, segments of key corridors, design at prominent intersections, or certain uses within the context of the design concept. In some instances, these special considerations are supported with additional character imagery and sub-area plans that depict preservation and infill development. The design concept recommendations reference the Connect Franklin and Parks Master Plan and are intended to work in partnership with these plans. Together, they provide guidance for the development design and review process. A Corridor Character Matrix that identifies appropriate elements of street design based on a design concept’s character or context has been included in Appendix F and is intended to link the policies of Connect Franklin, the Franklin Transportation and Street Technical Standards, and this Plan.