Envision Franklin

30 ENVISION FRANKLIN | Design Concepts TRANSPORTATION Vehicular Vehicular connections should be provided through adjacent developments and connect to the existing street network. Infill development should provide an interconnected street and sidewalk network in a grid or modified grid pattern. New streets should be designed per the Corridor Character Matrix and Connect Franklin. Bicycle and Pedestrian New development should provide sidewalks, multi-use paths, and trails throughout its open spaces. They should connect to other conservation areas, paths, adjacent uses, and streets. These bicycle, pedestrian, and multi-use path connections should be designed and provided per the Corridor Character Matrix, Connect Franklin, Parks Master Plan, and this Plan. Transit Transit stops and/or stations should be provided along existing or planned routes. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS Hard Bargain Neighborhood The building footprints shown in Figure 4.3, in light gray, are existing dwellings that are expected to remain, some possibly benefiting from rehabilitation. The building footprints shown in dark gray are proposed new buildings, some being townhouses, others being mixed-use or live-work units, but most being single-family dwellings. The orange building footprints depict civic uses, such as churches, community centers, and museums; some are existing, and some are proposed. The extension of Johnson Alley continues the existing, organic pattern by which some dwellings already face the alley. Homeowners along Glass and Mt. Hope Streets will have the opportunity to build accessory dwellings with access from the extended alley (which would become a front lane), or perhaps some lots could be subdivided so that new dwellings could front on the alley-turned front lane. Lots smaller than 4,000 square feet may be appropriate. The basketball court, community gardens, opportunities for residents to operate neighborhood businesses, and the overall compatibility with existing dwellings contribute to the small-town character of the City. The plan improves efficiency of land use, reinforces the grid street network already established in the neighborhood, and adds a mix of uses within and adjacent to the original development of Hard Bargain. The plan foresees the future elimination of existing incompatible uses adjacent to Hard Bargain and establishes neighborhood retail and other compatible uses that will make it a more walkable community. 11th Avenue & Natchez Street A potential infill parcel is east of 11th Avenue, north of Natchez Street (see Appendix E). A single-family residential use is appropriate, such as with a bungalow-court design. Duplexes designed as single-family dwellings may also be appropriate. Institutional Uses Institutional uses may be appropriate if their locations do not negatively impact access, scale, and traffic of the surrounding area. These uses are encouraged to be located at major intersections of arterial and collector streets. The conversion of dwellings in existing residential areas for institutional uses is not appropriate. COMPACT RESIDENTIAL