Envision Franklin

76 ENVISION FRANKLIN | Design Concepts SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS Columbia Avenue between Five Points to Fowlkes Street The potential redevelopment site at the northwest corner of Columbia Avenue and Fowlkes Street, known as the HG Hill property, should orient future buildings toward a street/internal driveway designed to include elements of, and resemble, a street. New development on this site should be two stories in height along Columbia Avenue, but three stories in height is appropriate internal to the site and may be achieved through step-backs in height. This corridor should include an overall mix of uses, but each parcel is not expected to have a mix of uses. Commercial nodes within these corridors are encouraged at intersections. Transition should be addressed between commercial buildings and their parking areas and adjacent residential uses. A consideration for future infill along the corridor is preserving existing buildings, shown in light gray, because many are historically significant buildings that contribute to the overall character of the corridor. The existing, established grid network of streets in the area along Columbia Avenue should be preserved to support infill and redevelopment. See Figure 4.3. Goose Creek Area, East of I-65 The area should include an overall mix of uses, but smaller individual parcels are not expected to have a mix of uses. The intensity and scale of new development south of the Reams-Fleming Tract will heavily depend upon the timing, location, and level of access of the proposed east-west connector over I-65. NEIGHBORHOOD MIXED-USE