Envision Franklin

84 ENVISION FRANKLIN | Design Concepts FORM Building Character Building design should have pedestrian-scaled architectural details that enhance the appearance of the building at the street level. Architectural styles may vary, but features should include storefront windows, awnings, distinctive roof forms, and outdoor lighting. Buildings should engage and define the street edge with building entrances, pedestrian walkways, landscaping, and street furnishings. Buildings should provide a variety of front facade elevations to achieve distinctive architectural detailing to contribute to community character and placemaking. All building walls should employ massing variation, modulation, horizontal and vertical articulation, and architectural detailing to break down the overall scale of a building. Each wall should include highquality and long-lasting materials and design characteristics consistent with those on the front. Buildings, where feasible, should be sited or designed to create public gathering spaces that are easily accessible from adjacent streets or sidewalks. For new multifamily residential, in locations where commercial use on the first floor is not viable due to environmental constraints or lack of visibility from a major street, multifamily units should provide individual ground floor entrances, stoops or front porches, and pedestrian connections to the street or to a drive resembling a street. Inside Mack Hatcher Parkway, the small-town identity of the area should be preserved through special attention to massing and scale of new development. New buildings should be designed to be compatible with the predominant character along the street and should be sensitive to nearby buildings. Historic structures are important community resources and should be preserved and protected. Delivery and service areas should be to the side or rear of the building. Conventional drive-through window uses are discouraged. Drive-through window uses may be appropriate if integrated into the side or rear of multi-tenant buildings. NEIGHBORHOOD MIXED-USE