Envision Franklin

86 ENVISION FRANKLIN | Design Concepts SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS Columbia Avenue between Five Points to Fowlkes Street New development at the northwest corner of Columbia Avenue and Fowlkes Street, known as the HG Hill property, should be two stories in height along Columbia Avenue and West Fowlkes Street, but three stories in height is appropriate internal to the site. Between Columbia Avenue and Cummins Street, and south of Church Street and at least 100 feet north of Blackburn Street, buildings may be up to three-and-a-half stories when the third story is stepped back at least ten feet from lower stories. Transition should be addressed between commercial buildings and their parking areas and adjacent residential uses. Historically significant buildings that contribute to the overall character of the corridor should be preserved, such as the Handy Hardware building. Goose Creek Area, East of I-65 At the future Carothers Parkway and Goose Creek Bypass intersection, at least one quadrant of the intersection should have primarily local commercial uses anchoring the intersection to serve the area. New development along the future Carothers Parkway extension should have moderate setbacks of at least 50 feet from the right-of-way and include wood-plank fencing or stone walls, enhanced landscaping, and monument signage to help create community character along the corridor. New standalone multifamily buildings should be limited to Small-Scale Multifamily Residential in order to extend the low-scale residential character that exists between major intersections along the Carothers Parkway corridor. Mixed use buildings may have more than 12 residential units as long as the entire ground floor contains commercial uses. New development south of the Reams-Fleming Tract will heavily depend upon the completion of Reams Fleming Boulevard, the Pratt Lane and Peytonsville Road intersection improvement, as well as the timing of the proposed I-65 flyover and east-west connector road. The Conservation Design Concept should be reevaluated once the final alignment for the proposed I-65 flyover connector road has been determined. Limited development potential exists until such improvements are completed. NEIGHBORHOOD MIXED-USE