Franklin Zoning Ordinance

10 178 Chapter Parking PARKING AND TRANSIT Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective July 1, 2024 Code; 2. The applicant shall provide assurance illustrating that valet parking will be available on a long-term basis; 3. An attendant shall be provided to park vehicles during business operations that use valet services; 4. Valet spaces shall be located in a parking area or parking structure; and 5. Valet parking service in a public street shall meet the Municipal Code. 10.1.11 Maximum Parking Except for single-family residential, parking that exceeds 120 percent of the minimum in Subsection 10.1.6, Minimum Parking, shall be constructed and maintained: A. With pervious surfacing; or B. Within a parking structure. 10.1.12 Arrangement A. Parking, stacking, and loading areas shall be arranged for convenient access and safety of pedestrians, bicyclists, and vehicles. B. The arrangement of parking shall be designed to accommodate vehicular circulation, maneuvering, parking, and associated parking movements without use of the public right-of-way, except for parallel parking C. The arrangement of parking shall prevent vehicle circulation from backing out directly onto a street, except on single family residential lots. D. Parking areas shall be configured so that a vehicle may be parked and un-parked without moving another vehicle. This shall not apply to single-family residential. E. The stacking arrangement shall not cause vehicles to queue within streets or internal drives or interfere with other customer vehicular circulation. F. Stacking space lengths shall be based on a minimum of 20 feet per space. G. Surface parking areas shall provide landscaping and landscape islands pursuant to Section 12.6, Parking Area Landscape. 10.1.13 Maximum Slope Parking areas shall not exceed a slope of five percent. Drive aisles that connect parking areas shall not exceed ten percent. 10.1.14 Standard Parking Spaces and Drive Aisles A. Standard parking spaces and drive aisles shall comply with the dimensions below: Parking Angle Standard Parking Space Depth (Feet) Standard Parking Space Width (Feet) Drive Aisle Width (Feet) Parallel 22 8 10-12 (one way) 20-24 (two way) 90 Degrees 18 9 20-24 60 Degrees 20 9 16-20 45 Degrees 19 9 16-20 B. Handicap accessible spaces and signage shall be provided pursuant to all applicable building codes. C. Parking structures may have dimensional adjustments based on utilization, but in no case shall the standard space width be less than eight feet, subject to approval by the Department of Building and Neighborhood Services. D. Where the side of a standard parking space is alongside a landscape island, the minimum width of the parking space shall be increased to ten feet. E. When parking is associated with a residential lot, see Subsection 10.1.16, Parking Pads on Residential Lots.