Franklin Zoning Ordinance


3 Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective July 1, 2024 FRANKLIN ZONING ORDINANCE This Ordinance was prepared by the City of Franklin Department of Planning & Sustainability in collaboration with Town Planning & Urban Design Collaborative, LLC and the Departmental Review Team. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND SUSTAINABILITY Emily Hunter, Planning Director James Svoboda, Assistant Director Kelly Dannenfelser, Project Lead, Assistant Director Amy Diaz-Barriga, Current Planning Supervisor Andrew Orr, Long Range Planning Supervisor Chris Andrews, Principal Planner Jason Arnold, Land Planner Brad Baumgartner, Principal Planner Joey Bryan, Senior Planner Susan Coleman, Technical Support Specialist II Annette Dalrymple, Land Planner Elaine Ellis, Administrative Assistant Josh King, Principal Planner Paula Kortas, Surety Coordinator Amanda Rose, Preservation Planner WITH SPECIAL ASSISTANCE FROM Lance Fittro, Staff Engineer Joe Marlo, Staff Engineer Shanna McCoy, Floodplain Administrator Molly Pike, Zoning Administrator Vernon Gerth, Assistant City Administrator BOARD OF MAYOR AND ALDERMEN Ken Moore, Mayor Margaret Martin, Vice Mayor, Ward 4 Beverly Burger, Ward 1 Dana McLendon, Ward 2 Scott Speedy, Ward 3 Clyde Barnhill, At Large Brandy Blanton, At-Large Pearl Bransford, At-Large Ann Petersen, At-Large FRANKLIN MUNICIPAL PLANNING COMMISSION Mike Hathaway, Chair Roger Lindsey, Vice Chair Marcia Allen Jimmy Franks Scott Harrison Alma McLemore Michael Orr Ann Petersen, Alderman Jennifer C. Szilagyi PROJECT PARTNERS TOWN PLANNING & URBAN DESIGN COLLABORATIVE, LLC. Brian Wright, Principal Bill Wright, Director of Coding Becky Timmons, Director of Implementation JJ Zanetta, Rendering and Illustration Gorica Zivak, Graphic Design Gustavo Sanchez, Planner


5 Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective July 1, 2024 CHAPTER 23. DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS 338 CHAPTER 24. HISTORY TABLE 398

6 Franklin Zoning Ordinance Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective July 1, 2024 The Franklin Zoning Ordinance is intended to facilitate the type of high-quality, vibrant, and sustainable development prescribed by Envision Franklin. This Ordinance provides standards organized around the following areas: A. The zoning map divides the City into zoning districts and any applicable overlay districts. B. The zoning districts regulate the uses, building types, frontage types, building setbacks, number of buildings, landscape surface area, and other standards for a lot in Chapter 3. C. The overlay districts may further regulate uses and require additional development standards in Chapter 4. D. Use regulations cover the principal, accessory, and temporary uses permitted by zoning district, along with any additional regulations that may apply to a particular use in Chapter 5. E. Building types contain the standards that apply to each type of building regulated by this Ordinance in Chapter 6. F. Frontage types regulate the type of development along the street edge in Chapter 7. G. Development standards in Chapters 8 through 18 are organized around transitional features, streets and circulation, parking and transit, open space, landscape, fences, walls, and screening, lighting, signs, utilities, natural resources, and historic resources. H. The review bodies and their authority are outlined in Chapter 19. BUILDING TYPE FRONTAGE STREETSCAPE USES HOW TO USE THIS ORDINANCE

7 HOW TO USE THIS ORDINANCE Franklin Zoning Ordinance Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective July 1, 2024 I. The review and approval procedures for various development applications are found in Chapter 20. J. Performance agreement and sureties provide assurance that approved site improvements are completed in Chapter 21. K. Enforcement is described in Chapter 22. L. Definitions and interpretations are found in Chapter 23, followed by a history table for amendments over time in Chapter 24.

01 8 Chapter  INTRODUCTORY PROVISIONS Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective July 1, 2024 1.1 Legal Provisions 9 1.2 Transitional Rules 12 1.3 Relationship to Envision Franklin 13 1.4 Zoning Map 13 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTORY PROVISIONS

9 INTRODUCTORY PROVISIONS Legal Provisions 01 Chapter Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective July 1, 2024 1.1 Legal Provisions 1.1.1 Title This Ordinance shall be known as the “Franklin Zoning Ordinance”, referred to throughout this document as “this Ordinance”. 1.1.2 Authority This Ordinance is enacted pursuant to the authority granted by the Tennessee Code Annotated (T.C.A.) § 13-7-201 et seq., § 13-7401 et seq. and § 13-4-101 through § 13-4-310 et seq. 1.1.3 Effective Date This Ordinance was adopted by the Board of Mayor and Aldermen (BOMA) and it became effective on July 1, 2024 by Ordinance 202344. 1.1.4 Establishment The adoption of this Ordinance hereby establishes all its Chapters, Sections, Subsections, sentences, phrases, and all other contents. 1.1.5 Applicability This Ordinance applies to all land, lots, buildings, structures, uses, improvements, and development or redevelopment activity located within the City of Franklin, Tennessee, referred to throughout this Ordinance as “the City”. 1.1.6 Purpose The purpose and intent of this Ordinance is to promote the public health, safety, and general welfare of residents and businesses in the City. This Ordinance is adopted to achieve the following: A. Implement the policies and principles contained within adopted general plans, including Envision Franklin; B. Enhance the quality of the built environment through exceptional site design, building form, uses, setbacks, activated streets, signage, and pedestrian focus; C. Facilitate infrastructure-supported growth, so that service demands of development and redevelopment will not exceed the capabilities of existing streets, utilities, or other public facilities and services; D. Direct higher intensity and taller buildings toward I-65 where infrastructure can support a thriving regional economy; E. Strategically locate pedestrian-oriented nonresidential and mixed-use nodes that serve surrounding residential neighborhoods to minimize traffic and trip length; F. Provide safe, efficient, and convenient vehicular, bicycle, pedestrian, and transit mobility and circulation patterns throughout the City; G. Improve active transportation for both destinations and recreation by connecting uses and development through sidewalks, multi-use paths, and nature trails; H. Promote a balanced mix of uses that is compatible with adjacent land uses and has good access to transportation and transit networks; I. Protect commercial and industrial activities to preserve and strengthen the City’s economic base; J. Protect the historic resources of the City, including structures, neighborhoods, districts, landmarks, landscapes, historic stone walls, cemeteries, streetscapes, and archaeological sites; K. Preserve and reinforce the character of established neighborhoods and ensure contextually compatible infill development; L. Provide a variety of housing types to serve

01 10 Chapter Legal Provisions INTRODUCTORY PROVISIONS Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective July 1, 2024 the needs of a diverse population; M. Protect the City’s natural beauty by preserving scenic corridors and viewsheds; N. Preserve and protect existing trees and vegetation, floodplains, stream corridors, water quality, wildlife habitat, hillsides, hilltops, steep slopes, and other areas of scenic and environmental significance from adverse impacts of land development; O. Enhance the visual quality of the built environment through landscape standards and planting requirements; P. Secure safety from fire, flooding along watercourses, and other hazards; Q. Provide adequate light and air; R. Encourage development of a sustainable and accessible system of recreational facilities, parks, trails, and open space that meets year-round neighborhood and community-wide needs; and S. Ensure greater public safety, health, and welfare, and convenience and accessibility through the physical design and location of land use and development. 1.1.7 Minimum Requirements The requirements of this Ordinance are considered the minimum requirements for the promotion of the public health, safety, and general welfare of the City. All development or redevelopment shall occur in accordance with the regulations in this Ordinance. No land, lot, building, structure, development, improvement, establishment, facility, or premises shall be used or developed for any purpose or in any manner other than in compliance with this Ordinance. 1.1.8 Relationship to Other Provisions If any provisions of this Ordinance are inconsistent with similar provisions of any other City, State, or Federal regulation, law, statute, or ordinance, the more restrictive provision shall control, to the extent permitted by law. 1.1.9 Conflicting Provisions In cases where two or more standards within this Ordinance conflict with one another, the more restrictive standard shall be controlling, unless one of the provisions in conflict expressly states that it shall apply, control, or take precedence. 1.1.10 Conflicts with Private Agreements This Ordinance is not intended to modify, revoke, or repeal any easement, covenant, or other private agreement; however, where the regulations of this Ordinance are more restrictive, the requirements of this Ordinance shall be controlling. The City does not enforce the provisions of easements, covenants, or agreements between private or third parties. 1.1.11 Review of Public Improvements Whenever the Franklin Municipal Planning Commission (FMPC) has adopted a plan of the municipality (for example, Connect Franklin or the Master Parks Plan) or any part thereof, then and thenceforth no street, park or other public way, ground, place or space, no public building or structure, or no public utility, whether publicly or privately owned, shall be constructed or authorized in the City until and unless the location and extent thereof shall have been submitted to and approved by the FMPC. In case of disapproval, the FMPC shall

11 INTRODUCTORY PROVISIONS Legal Provisions 01 Chapter Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective July 1, 2024 communicate its reasons to the BOMA, which by a vote of a majority of its membership, shall have the power to overrule such disapproval and, upon such overruling, the BOMA shall have the power to proceed. If the public way, ground, place, space, building, structure or utility is one the authorization or financing of which does not, under the law governing the same, fall within the province of the BOMA, then the submission to the FMPC shall be by the State, County, District, City, or other Board or official having such jurisdiction, and the FMPC’s disapproval may be overruled by the chief legislative body by a majority vote of its membership, or by such official. The widening, narrowing, relocation, vacation, change in the use, acceptance, acquisition, sale or lease of any street or public way, ground, place, property or structure shall be subject to similar submission and approval, and the failure to approve may be similarly overruled. The failure of the FMPC to act within 30 days from and after the date of official submission to it shall be deemed approval, unless a longer period is granted by the BOMA or other submitting board or official. The date of official submission shall be the date at which the FMPC first considers the item. 1.1.12 Continuation of Violations Any violation of previous versions of this Ordinance shall continue to be a violation under this Ordinance and shall be subject to the penalties and enforcement set forth in Chapter 22: Enforcement, unless the applicable use, development, improvement, construction, or activity complies with the provisions of this Ordinance. Payment shall be required for any civil penalty assessed under the previous regulations, even if the original violation is no longer considered to be a violation under this Ordinance. 1.1.13 Nonconformities Any use, building, structure, development, improvement, or lot that legally existed on the effective date of this Ordinance that does not meet all provisions set forth in this Ordinance shall be considered nonconforming and shall be controlled by Chapter 2, Nonconformities. 1.1.14 Severability It is expressly declared that this Ordinance and each Chapter, Section, Subsection, sentence, phrase, and all other content, is adopted and enforceable regardless of whether one or more other portions of this Ordinance are judged invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction. Such judgment shall not affect: A. The validity and continued enforcement of any other provision of this Ordinance; B. The application of this Ordinance to any other building, structure, development, improvement, lot, land, or situation not specifically included in that judgment; or C. Any other conditions or requirements attached to the same approval that are not specifically included in that judgment. Whenever a condition or limitation is included in an administrative action authorizing regulatory activity, then it shall be conclusively presumed that the authorizing officer, commission, or board considered such condition or limitation necessary to carry out the spirit and intent of this Ordinance and believed that the condition or limitation was lawful.

01 12 Chapter Transitional Rules INTRODUCTORY PROVISIONS Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective July 1, 2024 1.2 Transitional Rules The following transitional rules will resolve the status of properties with pending or approved applications at the time of adoption of this Ordinance: 1.2.1 Pending Applications All applications submitted on or after July 1, 2024 shall comply with this Ordinance, including applications submitted for the August 22, 2024 FMPC or administrative agenda. An applicant with a pending application may waive review under prior ordinances through a written letter to the Department of Planning and Sustainability and request review and vesting under the provisions of this Ordinance. 1.2.2 Approved Plans Approved development plans, site plans, variances, certificates of appropriateness, grading permits, tree removal permits, or building permits that are valid on the effective date of this Ordinance shall remain valid until their expiration date, where applicable. Plans approved under prior ordinances, such as concept plans, regulating plans, and conservation plans that are valid on the effective date of this Ordinance shall also remain valid until their expiration date, where applicable. 1.2.3 Vested Plans The specific plans listed below that are approved by the applicable review body on or after January 1, 2015, cause a vested property right to be established per T.C.A. § 13-4-310: A. Development plan; B. Preliminary plat; or C. Site plan that is not associated with an approved development plan or preliminary plat. Such plans are further regulated by Section 20.19, Vesting. 1.2.4 Amendments or Revisions Amendments or revisions to previouslyapproved plans shall comply with this Ordinance, unless the original approval is considered to be vested, per Subsection 1.2.3, Vested Plans. 1.2.5 Re-Application of Expired Plans Any re-application following the expiration of an approved plan shall be subject to the Ordinance in effect on the date the application is resubmitted. 1.2.6 Permits for Certain Short-Term Vacation Rental Properties Where an applicant can show that earnest money has been exchanged or a contract executed by the buyer and the seller for the purchase of property intended to be used as a short-term vacation rental prior to midnight on December 10, 2019, an applicant may submit an application for a short-term vacation rental permit under the regulations in effect immediately prior to the adoption of this Ordinance.

13 INTRODUCTORY PROVISIONS Relationship to Envision Franklin 01 Chapter Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective July 1, 2024 1.3 Relationship to Envision Franklin Envision Franklin is a general plan that articulates the long-term vision for growth and development throughout the City. The policies may be amended from time to time to meet the changing requirements of the City in accordance with Section 20.3, Plan Amendment. Text amendments to this Ordinance should maintain and enhance consistency with Envision Franklin. 1.4 Zoning Map 1.4.1 Establishment of the Zoning Map A. The location and boundaries of zoning districts and overlay zoning districts established by this Ordinance are shown and maintained as part of the City’s Geographic Information System (GIS). The zoning GIS layers constitute the City’s zoning map and are hereby adopted and made a part of this Ordinance. B. The zoning map shall be maintained and made available in accordance with T.C.A. §13-7-212. When a property is rezoned, the change shall be identified by updating the original electronic data with details of the change. 1.4.2 District Boundaries Unless otherwise indicated on the zoning map, the district boundaries are parcel lines or the corporate limit lines, as they existed at the time of the enactment of this Ordinance. When property is rezoned, new zoning district lines shall follow parcel lines.

02 14 Chapter NONCONFORMITIES  Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective July 1, 2024 CHAPTER 2 NONCONFORMITIES 2.1 General Provisions 15 2.2 Nonconforming Uses 15 2.3 Nonconforming Structures 16 2.4 Nonconforming Lots 17

02 15 Chapter NONCONFORMITIES General Provisions Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective July 1, 2024 2.1 General Provisions 2.1.1 Applicability Any principal or accessory use, structure, lot of record, sign, or tower that was lawfully established before the effective date of this Ordinance and no longer complies with this Ordinance is considered nonconforming. Nonconformities shall be allowed to continue pursuant to this Chapter. 2.1.2 Determination of Nonconformity Status The burden of establishing that a nonconformity lawfully exists shall be on the owner of the property on which the purported nonconformity is located. 2.2 Nonconforming Uses 2.2.1 Change of Use A. A nonconforming use shall not be changed to or replaced with another use unless that use conforms to the requirements of this Ordinance. B. A change in occupancy or ownership shall not, by itself, constitute a change of use. C. If the use is changed to, or replaced by a conforming use, it shall lose its nonconforming status. 2.2.2 Discontinuance or Abandonment of a Nonconforming Use A. When a nonconforming use is discontinued or abandoned for a period of 30 months, as specified by T.C.A. § 13-7-208, the use shall not thereafter be re-established or resumed. Any subsequent use or occupancy of such property or structure shall comply with the regulations of the zoning district in which such land or structure is located. B. Operation only of an accessory use to the principal nonconforming use during the 30-month period shall not constitute continuation of the principal nonconforming use. 2.2.3 Expansion of a Nonconforming Use Nonconforming uses may be expanded, provided the following is met: A. The nonconforming use shall not be enlarged, expanded, or altered in a way that increases the degree of nonconformity. Any proposed expansion must conform to all other applicable standards of this Ordinance. For example: 1. The expansion of a nonconforming use cannot include any additional uses not permitted by the applicable zoning district; and 2. A duplex use in a single-family residential district is not permitted to add any additional dwelling units, inclusive of accessory dwellings. B. The type, size, and intensity of the proposed expansion, including such considerations as the size of the site, the location of the nonconforming use upon it, the hours of operation, the amount of noise generated, and the number of people who are likely to patronize the use will be adequate with respect to minimizing any negative impacts on adjoining lots and avoiding nuisances to adjacent landowners; and C. The nonconforming use shall not be expanded through the acquisition of additional land beyond that in use by the nonconformity on the effective date of this Ordinance.

02 16 Chapter NONCONFORMITIES Nonconforming Structures Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective July 1, 2024 2.2.4 Short-Term Vacation Rentals A. The use regulations governing short-term vacation rentals within this Ordinance do not apply to property that was legally established and issued a permit as a shortterm vacation rental, as defined by T.C.A. § 13-7-602, prior to the effective date of this Ordinance, until this grandfathering is terminated per Paragraph 2.2.4.B below. B. In accordance with T.C.A. § 13-7-603, shortterm vacation rentals that were legally established and issued a permit prior to the effective date of this Ordinance are subject to the law in place at the time that the property was being used as a shortterm vacation rental, until the property is: 1. Sold; 2. Transferred; 3. Ceases being used as a short-term vacation rental for a period of 30 continuous months; or 4. Has been in violation of generally applicable local laws three or more separate times, as provided by T.C.A. § 13-7-604. C. If ownership of a short-term vacation rental changes to a family member (persons related by blood, marriage, civil union, or adoption), grandfathering protections will continue. 2.3 Nonconforming Structures 2.3.1 Applicability This Section shall apply to nonconforming structures, other than signs and towers. See Subsection 15.1.11, Nonconforming Signs, or Clause 5.1.4.T.15, Nonconforming Towers, as applicable. 2.3.2 Repair and Maintenance of a Nonconforming Structure Routine maintenance, stabilization, or restoration to a safe condition of any part of a nonconforming structure is permitted in accordance with this Chapter. 2.3.3 Expansion of a Nonconforming Structure A nonconforming structure may be expanded, provided the following is met: A. The nonconforming structure shall not be enlarged, expanded, or altered in a way that increases the degree of nonconformity. Any proposed expansion must conform to all other applicable standards of this Ordinance. For example: 1. For a building that is located five feet from a side lot line, where this Ordinance requires a ten foot minimum side yard setback, any building addition or increase in building height must comply with the ten-foot setback; and 2. For a building that is entirely within a required front yard setback, any building addition must occur only to the rear of the building. B. The type, size, and intensity of the proposed expansion, such as the size of the site and the location of the nonconforming structure upon it, will be adequate with respect to minimizing any negative impacts on adjoining lots and avoiding nuisances to

02 17 Chapter NONCONFORMITIES Nonconforming Lots Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective July 1, 2024 adjacent landowners; and C. The nonconforming structure shall not be expanded through the acquisition of additional land beyond that in use by the nonconformity on the effective date of this Ordinance. 2.3.4 Reconstruction of a New Structure An existing nonconforming structure, other than for a multifamily residential or manufactured home park use, may be torn down and a new structure of a building type permitted in the applicable zoning district may be reconstructed, provided the following is met: A. There is a reasonable amount of space on the property so as to avoid nuisances to adjacent landowners. Any reconstruction or redevelopment must conform to all other applicable standards of this Ordinance; and B. The type, size, and intensity of the proposed reconstruction, such as the size of the site and the location of the nonconformity upon it, will be adequate with respect to minimizing any negative impacts on adjoining lots. 2.3.5 Multifamily Residential New principal buildings for a nonconforming multifamily residential use may be reconstructed only in the event of damage, whether partial or complete, by involuntary fire or wind damage or other natural disaster, pursuant to T.C.A. § 13-7-208. 2.3.6 Manufactured Home Parks Within a legally established manufactured home park, an existing manufactured home or mobile home (both definitions found at T.C.A. 68-126-202) may be replaced by another manufactured home on a one-per-one basis, pursuant to T.C.A 68-126-403. 2.4 Nonconforming Lots 2.4.1 Nonconforming Platted Lots A lot in a subdivision that was legally created by final plat and recorded prior to the effective date of this Ordinance that does not meet the dimensional standards of the applicable zoning district: A. May be developed with the uses permitted in the applicable zoning district; and B. Shall retain the approved dimensional standards and minimum required open space. 2.4.2 Nonconforming Lots of Record A lot that was legally created by deed or other legal mechanism before it was in the City or prior to the City and County initial adoption of the Subdivision Regulations that does not meet the dimensional standards of the applicable zoning district: A. May be developed with the uses permitted in the applicable zoning district; B. Shall comply with the dimensional standards of the applicable zoning district as closely as possible; and C. Must conform to all other applicable provisions of this Ordinance. 2.4.3 Governmental Acquisition Governmental acquisition of a portion of a lot for a public purpose that results in a reduction in dimensional standards below that required by this Ordinance shall not render the lot nonconforming.

03 18 Chapter  ZONING DISTRICTS Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective July 1, 2024 CHAPTER 3 ZONING DISTRICTS 3.1 General Provisions 19 3.2 AG—Agricultural District 20 3.3 ER—Estate Residential District 22 3.4 R1—Residential 1 District 24 3.5 R2—Residential 2 District 26 3.6 R3—Residential 3 District 28 3.7 R4—Residential 4 District 30 3.8 R6—Residential 6 District 32 3.9 MR—Mixed Residential District 34 3.10 PD—Planned District 38 3.11 OR—Office Residential District 40 3.12 CI—Civic Institutional District 42 3.13 NC—Neighborhood Commercial District 44 3.14 CC—Central Commercial District 46 3.15 DD—Downtown District 48 3.16 1ST—1st Avenue District 50 3.17 5TH—5th Avenue North District 52 3.18 RC6—Regional Commerce 6 District 54 3.19 RC12—Regional Commerce 12 District 56 3.20 GO—General Office District 58 3.21 LI—Light Industrial District 60 3.22 HI—Heavy Industrial District 62

19 ZONING DISTRICTS General Provisions 03 Chapter Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective July 1, 2024 3.1 General Provisions 3.1.1 Zoning Districts For the purposes of this Ordinance, the City is divided into the following zoning districts as set forth on the zoning map: AG Agriculture District ER Estate Residential District R1 Residential 1 District R2 Residential 2 District R3 Residential 3 District R4 Residential 4 District R6 Residential 6 District MR Mixed Residential PD Planned District OR Office Residential District CI Civic Institutional District NC Neighborhood Commercial District CC Central Commercial District DD Downtown District 1ST 1st Avenue District 5TH 5th Avenue North District RC6 Regional Commerce 6 District RC12 Regional Commerce 12 District GO General Office District LI Light Industrial District HI Heavy Industrial District 3.1.2 District Components Each zoning district contains the following provisions: A. The purpose, which provides the intent of the district; B. Use regulations, which specify the range of permitted uses and structures in accordance with Chapter 5, Use Regulations; C. Building types, which specify the permitted principal building types in accordance with Chapter 6, Building Types; D. Frontage types, which specify the permitted frontage types in accordance with Chapter 7, Frontage Types; E. Dimensional standards, which specify the regulations for lot standards, building setbacks, building height, landscape surface area, and other requirements; and F. Additional standards, which provide links to additional development standards that may be applicable in the district.

03 20 Chapter AG—Agricultural District ZONING DISTRICTS Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective July 1, 2024 3.2 AG—Agricultural District 3.2.1 Purpose The AG district is intended to provide for farming and agricultural uses, single-family residential on significant acreage, and open space to maintain the character of rural areas. 3.2.2 Use Regulations A. Principal uses shall comply with Section 5.1, Principal Uses. B. Accessory uses and structures, other than agricultural structures, shall comply with Section 5.2, Accessory Uses and Structures. Agricultural structures are customary in this district and not otherwise regulated. C. Temporary uses and structures shall comply with Section 5.3, Temporary Uses and Structures. 3.2.3 Building Types The following principal building types are permitted: A. House B. Agricultural structures, which are customary in this district and not otherwise regulated 3.2.4 Frontage Types The following frontage type is permitted: A. Yard Frontage

21 ZONING DISTRICTS AG—Agricultural District 03 Chapter Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective July 1, 2024 Building Height Maximum Principal Building 2 ½ stories Accessory Structure - Minor Accessory Structure - Landscape Minimum Landscape Surface Area 70% 3.2.6 Additional Standards Chapter References Building Types Chapter 6 Frontage Types Chapter 7 Transitional Features Chapter 8 Streetscape and Circulation Chapter 9 Parking and Transit Chapter 10 Open Space Chapter 11 Landscape Chapter 12 Fences, Walls, and Screening Chapter 13 Lighting Chapter 14 Signs Chapter 15 Utilities Chapter 16 Natural Resources Chapter 17 Historic Resources Chapter 18 3.2.5 Dimensional Standards The following dimensional standards are required: Lot Standards Minimum Lot Size 15 acres Lot Width 200 feet Front Lot Line 160 feet Number of Buildings Maximum Principal Building 1 per lot Accessory Structure - Minor Accessory Structure - Principal Building Setbacks Minimum Front Yard 225 feet Side Yard 50 feet Rear Yard 100 feet Appurtenance Encroachments into Setbacks Front Yard 6 feet max Side Yard 5 feet max, but no closer than 5 feet from lot line Rear Yard 15 feet max, but no closer than 20 feet from lot line Steps may encroach up to the front lot line, but no closer than 5 feet from a side or rear lot line Accessory Structure Setbacks Front Yard Not permitted Side Yard 5 feet Rear Yard 5 feet

03 22 Chapter ER—Estate Residential District ZONING DISTRICTS Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective July 1, 2024 3.3.1 Purpose The ER district is intended to provide for singlefamily residential on estate-sized lots and for preservation of rural character. 3.3.2 Use Regulations A. Principal uses shall comply with Section 5.1, Principal Uses. B. Accessory uses and structures, other than agricultural structures, shall comply with Section 5.2, Accessory Uses and Structures. C. Temporary uses and structures shall comply with Section 5.3, Temporary Uses and Structures. 3.3.3 Building Types The following principal building type is permitted: A. House 3.3.4 Frontage Types The following frontage type is permitted: A. Yard Frontage 3.3 ER—Estate Residential District

23 ZONING DISTRICTS ER—Estate Residential District 03 Chapter Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective July 1, 2024 3.3.5 Dimensional Standards The following dimensional standards are required: Lot Standards Minimum Lot Size 2 acres Lot Width 150 feet Front Lot Line 120 feet Number of Buildings Maximum Principal Building 1 per lot Accessory Structure 1 per lot Minor Accessory Structure 1 per lot Principal Building Setbacks Minimum Front Yard 150 feet Side Yard 35 feet Rear Yard 65 feet Appurtenance Encroachments into Setbacks Front Yard 6 feet max Side Yard 5 feet max, but no closer than 5 feet from lot line Rear Yard 15 feet max, but no closer than 20 feet from lot line Steps may encroach up to the front lot line, but no closer than 5 feet from a side or rear lot line Accessory Structure Setbacks Location At least 5 feet behind the principal building At least 5 feet from any lot line Building Height Maximum Principal Building 2 ½ stories Accessory Structure Shall not exceed the height of the principal building, except for agricultural structures Minor Accessory Structure 1 story Landscape Minimum Landscape Surface Area 60% Alternate Standards For lots in recorded subdivisions, if there are different dimensional standards on the final plat, then those standards on the final plat shall govern 3.3.6 Additional Standards Chapter References Building Types Chapter 6 Frontage Types Chapter 7 Transitional Features Chapter 8 Streetscape and Circulation Chapter 9 Parking and Transit Chapter 10 Open Space Chapter 11 Landscape Chapter 12 Fences, Walls, and Screening Chapter 13 Lighting Chapter 14 Signs Chapter 15 Utilities Chapter 16 Natural Resources Chapter 17 Historic Resources Chapter 18

03 24 Chapter R1—Residential 1 District ZONING DISTRICTS Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective July 1, 2024 3.4 R1—Residential 1 District 3.4.1 Purpose The R1 district is intended to provide for singlefamily residential subdivisions with large lot sizes. It also provides a default district for county subdivisions annexed into the City. 3.4.2 Use Regulations A. Principal uses shall comply with Section 5.1, Principal Uses. B. Accessory uses and structures shall comply with Section 5.2, Accessory Uses and Structures. C. Temporary uses and structures shall comply with Section 5.3, Temporary Uses and Structures. 3.4.3 Building Types The following principal building type is permitted: A. House 3.4.4 Frontage Types The following frontage type is permitted: A. Yard Frontage

25 ZONING DISTRICTS R1—Residential 1 District 03 Chapter Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective July 1, 2024 3.4.5 Dimensional Standards The following dimensional standards are required: Lot Standards Minimum Lot Size 30,000 square feet Lot Width 100 feet Front Lot Line 80 feet, but may be reduced to 30 feet when on a turning radius of a cul-de-sac Number of Buildings Maximum Principal Building 1 per lot Accessory Structure 1 per lot Minor Accessory Structure 1 per lot Principal Building Setbacks Minimum Front Yard 60 feet Side Yard 25 feet Rear Yard 50 feet Appurtenance Encroachments into Setbacks Front Yard 6 feet max Side Yard 5 feet max, but no closer than 5 feet from lot line Rear Yard 15 feet max, but no closer than 20 feet from lot line Steps may encroach up to the front lot line, but no closer than 5 feet from a side or rear lot line Accessory Structure Setbacks Location At least 5 feet behind the principal building At least 5 feet from any lot line Building Height Maximum Principal Building 2 ½ stories Accessory Structure Shall not exceed the height of the principal building Minor Accessory Structure 1 Story Landscape Minimum Landscape Surface Area 50% Alternate Standards For lots in recorded subdivisions, if there are different dimensional standards on the final plat, then those standards on the final plat shall govern. When there are platted front yard setbacks but no side or rear yard setbacks, then 10-foot side and 25-foot rear yard setbacks shall apply 3.4.6 Additional Standards Chapter References Building Types Chapter 6 Frontage Types Chapter 7 Transitional Features Chapter 8 Streetscape and Circulation Chapter 9 Parking and Transit Chapter 10 Open Space Chapter 11 Landscape Chapter 12 Fences, Walls, and Screening Chapter 13 Lighting Chapter 14 Signs Chapter 15 Utilities Chapter 16 Natural Resources Chapter 17 Historic Resources Chapter 18

03 26 Chapter R2—Residential 2 District ZONING DISTRICTS Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective July 1, 2024 3.5.1 Purpose The R2 district is intended to provide for single-family residential with lot sizes of at least 15,000 square feet, designed with walkable, well-connected street systems, and designed around natural features as accessible community amenities. 3.5.2 Use Regulations A. Principal uses shall comply with Section 5.1, Principal Uses. B. Accessory uses and structures shall comply with Section 5.2, Accessory Uses and Structures. C. Temporary uses and structures shall comply with Section 5.3, Temporary Uses and Structures. 3.5.3 Building Types The following principal building type is permitted: A. House 3.5.4 Frontage Types The following frontage type is permitted: A. Yard Frontage 3.5 R2—Residential 2 District

27 ZONING DISTRICTS R2—Residential 2 District 03 Chapter Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective July 1, 2024 Building Height Maximum Principal Building 2 ½ stories Accessory Structure 2 stories, but shall not exceed the height of the principal building Minor Accessory Structure 1 Story Landscape Minimum Landscape Surface Area 40% Alternate Standards For lots in recorded subdivisions, if there are different dimensional standards on the final plat, then those standards on the final plat shall govern. When there are platted front yard setbacks but no side or rear yard setbacks, then 10-foot side and 25-foot rear yard setbacks shall apply 3.5.6 Additional Standards Chapter References Building Types Chapter 6 Frontage Types Chapter 7 Transitional Features Chapter 8 Streetscape and Circulation Chapter 9 Parking and Transit Chapter 10 Open Space Chapter 11 Landscape Chapter 12 Fences, Walls, and Screening Chapter 13 Lighting Chapter 14 Signs Chapter 15 Utilities Chapter 16 Natural Resources Chapter 17 Historic Resources Chapter 18 3.5.5 Dimensional Standards The following dimensional standards are required: Lot Standards Minimum Lot Size 15,000 square feet Lot Width 75 feet Front Lot Line 60 feet, but may be reduced to 30 feet when on a turning radius of a cul-de-sac Number of Buildings Maximum Principal Building 1 per lot Accessory Structure 1 per lot Minor Accessory Structure 1 per lot Principal Building Setbacks Minimum Front Yard 20 feet Side Yard 10 feet Rear Yard 40 feet Appurtenance Encroachments into Setbacks Front Yard 6 feet max Side Yard 5 feet max, but no closer than 5 feet from lot line Rear Yard 15 feet max, but no closer than 20 feet from lot line Steps may encroach up to the front lot line, but no closer than 5 feet from a side or rear lot line Accessory Structure Setbacks Location At least 5 feet behind the principal building At least 5 feet from any lot line

03 28 Chapter R3—Residential 3 District ZONING DISTRICTS Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective July 1, 2024 3.6.1 Purpose The R3 district is intended to provide for single-family residential with lot sizes of at least 9,000 square feet, designed with walkable, well-connected street systems, and designed around natural features as accessible community amenities. 3.6.2 Use Regulations A. Principal uses shall comply with Section 5.1, Principal Uses. B. Accessory uses and structures shall comply with Section 5.2, Accessory Uses and Structures. C. Temporary uses and structures shall comply with Section 5.3, Temporary Uses and Structures. 3.6.3 Building Types The following principal building type is permitted: A. House 3.6.4 Frontage Types The following frontage type is permitted: A. Yard Frontage 3.6 R3—Residential 3 District

29 ZONING DISTRICTS R3—Residential 3 District 03 Chapter Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective July 1, 2024 3.6.5 Dimensional Standards The following dimensional standards are required: Lot Standards Minimum Lot Size 9,000 square feet Lot Width 65 feet Front Lot Line 52 feet, but may be reduced to 30 feet when on a turning radius of a cul-de-sac Number of Buildings Maximum Principal Building 1 per lot Accessory Structure 1 per lot Minor Accessory Structure 1 per lot Principal Building Setbacks Minimum Front Yard 20 feet Side Yard 10 feet Rear Yard 30 feet Rear Yard Abutt ng an Alley See building type for garage setbacks Appurtenance Encroachments into Setbacks Front Yard 6 feet max Side Yard 5 feet max, but no closer than 5 feet from lot line Rear Yard 15 feet max, but no closer than 20 feet from lot line Steps may encroach up to the front lot line, but no closer than 5 feet from a side or rear lot line Accessory Structure Setbacks Location At least 5 feet behind the principal building At least 5 feet from any lot line Building Height Maximum Principal Building 2 ½ stories Accessory Structure 2 stories, but shall not exceed the height of the principal building Minor Accessory Structure 1 Story Landscape Minimum Landscape Surface Area 40% Alternate Standards For lots in recorded subdivisions, if there are different dimensional standards on the final plat, then those standards on the final plat shall govern. When there are platted front yard setbacks but no side or rear yard setbacks, then 10-foot side and 25-foot rear yard setbacks shall apply. 3.6.6 Additional Standards Chapter References Building Types Chapter 6 Frontage Types Chapter 7 Transitional Features Chapter 8 Streetscape and Circulation Chapter 9 Parking and Transit Chapter 10 Open Space Chapter 11 Landscape Chapter 12 Fences, Walls, and Screening Chapter 13 Lighting Chapter 14 Signs Chapter 15 Utilities Chapter 16 Natural Resources Chapter 17 Historic Resources Chapter 18

03 30 Chapter R4—Residential 4 District ZONING DISTRICTS Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective July 1, 2024 3.7.1 Purpose The R4 district is intended to preserve the established, historic residential neighborhoods throughout Central Franklin and ensure contextual compatibility of infill development. 3.7.2 Use Regulations A. Principal uses shall comply with Section 5.1, Principal Uses. B. Accessory uses and structures shall comply with Section 5.2, Accessory Uses and Structures. C. Temporary uses and structures shall comply with Section 5.3, Temporary Uses and Structures. 3.7.3 Building Types The following principal building type is permitted: A. House 3.7.4 Frontage Types The following frontage type is permitted: A. Yard Frontage 3.7 R4—Residential 4 District 3.7.5 Dimensional Standards The following dimensional standards are required: Lot Standards Minimum Lot Size 75% of the average lot size of existing lots on the same block face, but in no case shall be less than 6,500 square feet Lot Width 75% of the average lot width of existing lots on the same block face, but in no case shall be less than 60 feet Front Lot Line 80% of minimum lot width Number of Buildings Maximum Principal Building 1 per lot Accessory Structure 1 per lot Minor Accessory Structure 1 per lot Principal Building Setbacks Minimum Front Yard Average setback of existing buildings on the same block face, but no closer to the front lot line than the closest adjacent building, and in no case less than 10 feet Side Yard 7 feet Rear Yard 20 feet Rear Yard Abutt ng an Alley See building type for garage setbacks

31 ZONING DISTRICTS R4—Residential 4 District 03 Chapter Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective July 1, 2024 Appurtenance Encroachments into Setbacks Front Yard 6 feet max Side Yard 5 feet max, but no closer than 5 feet from lot line Rear Yard 15 feet max, but no closer than 20 feet from lot line Steps may encroach up to the front lot line, but no closer than 5 feet from a side or rear lot line Accessory Structure Setbacks Location At least 5 feet behind the principal building At least 5 feet from any lot line Building Height Maximum Principal Building Building height shall not exceed one-half story above the average height of existing buildings on the same block face, but in no case shall exceed 2 1/2 stories Accessory Structure 1 1/2 stories , but shall not exceed the height of the principal building Minor Accessory Structure 1 Story Landscape Minimum Landscape Surface Area 40% Alternate Standards Where there is not an existing house on a block face to establish the lot standards, principal building setbacks, or building height, then the house(s) on the opposite block face shall be used to determine the applicable requirements. For lots in recorded subdivisions, if there are different dimensional standards on the final plat, then those standards on the final plat shall govern 3.7.6 Additional Standards Chapter References Building Types Chapter 6 Frontage Types Chapter 7 Transitional Features Chapter 8 Streetscape and Circulation Chapter 9 Parking and Transit Chapter 10 Open Space Chapter 11 Landscape Chapter 12 Fences, Walls, and Screening Chapter 13 Lighting Chapter 14 Signs Chapter 15 Utilities Chapter 16 Natural Resources Chapter 17 Historic Resources Chapter 18

03 32 Chapter R6—Residential 6 District ZONING DISTRICTS Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective July 1, 2024 3.8.1 Purpose The R6 district is intended to preserve historic, walkable neighborhoods with small lots and shallow setbacks and ensure contextual compatibility of infill development. 3.8.2 Use Regulations A. Principal uses shall comply with Section 5.1, Principal Uses. B. Accessory uses and structures shall comply with Section 5.2, Accessory Uses and Structures. C. Temporary uses and structures shall comply with Section 5.3, Temporary Uses and Structures. 3.8.3 Building Types The following principal building type is permitted: A. House 3.8.4 Frontage Types The following frontage type is permitted: A. Yard Frontage 3.8.5 Dimensional Standards The following dimensional standards are required: Lot Standards Minimum Lot Size 4,000 square feet Lot Width 40 feet Front Lot Line 40 feet Number of Buildings Maximum Principal Building 1 per lot Number of Buildings Maximum Accessory Structure 1 per lot 3.8 R6—Residential 6 District

33 ZONING DISTRICTS R6—Residential 6 District 03 Chapter Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective July 1, 2024 Number of Buildings Maximum Minor Accessory Structure 1 per lot Principal Building Setbacks Minimum Front Yard Average setback of existing buildings on the same block face, but no closer to the front lot line than the closest adjacent building, and in no case less than 10 feet Side Yard 5 feet Rear Yard 15 feet Rear Yard Abutt ng an Alley See building type for garage setbacks Appurtenance Encroachments into Setbacks Front Yard 6 feet max Side Yard Not Permitted Rear Yard Not Permitted Steps may encroach up to the front lot line, but no closer than 5 feet from a side or rear lot line Accessory Structure Setbacks Location At least 5 feet behind the principal building At least 5 feet from any lot line Building height Maximum Principal Building Building height facing the street shall not exceed one-half story above the average height of existing singlefamily buildings on the same block face, but in no case shall exceed two stories. Accessory Structure 1 1/2 stories, but shall not exceed the height of the principal building Minor Accessory Structure 1 Story Landscape Minimum Landscape Surface Area 30% Alternate Standards For lots in recorded subdivisions, if there are different dimensional standards on the final plat, then those standards on the final plat shall govern 3.8.6 Additional Standards Chapter References Building Types Chapter 6 Frontage Types Chapter 7 Transitional Features Chapter 8 Streetscape and Circulation Chapter 9 Parking and Transit Chapter 10 Open Space Chapter 11 Landscape Chapter 12 Fences, Walls, and Screening Chapter 13 Lighting Chapter 14 Signs Chapter 15 Utilities Chapter 16 Natural Resources Chapter 17 Historic Resources Chapter 18

03 34 Chapter MR—Mixed Residential District ZONING DISTRICTS Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective July 1, 2024 3.9 MR—Mixed Residential District 3.9.1 Purpose The MR district is intended to provide for a variety of residential building types while protecting environmentally sensitive areas, preserving open spaces through compact development patterns, and providing standards to help ensure the compatibility of new development with surrounding neighborhoods. 3.9.2 Use Regulations A. Principal uses shall comply with Section 5.1, Principal Uses. B. Accessory uses and structures shall comply with Section 5.2, Accessory Uses and Structures. C. Temporary uses and structures shall comply with Section 5.3, Temporary Uses and Structures. 3.9.3 Building Types The following principal building types are permitted: A. House B. Duplex C. Multiplex D. Townhouse 3.9.4 Frontage Types The following frontage types are permitted: A. Yard Frontage B. Urban Frontage 3.9.5 Diversity in Housing A. In new developments, the first building next to a lot for an existing house must be a house or a duplex. This does not apply when the houses are part of the same development. B. Proposed development may be all houses, all duplexes, or a mix of both. C. If a proposed development includes townhouses or multiplex dwelling units, the townhouse and multiplex dwelling units shall not exceed 50 percent of the total dwelling unit count of a development. The remaining 50 percent shall be a balanced mix of duplexes and houses.

35 ZONING DISTRICTS MR—Mixed Residential District 03 Chapter Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective July 1, 2024 3.9.6 Dimensional Standards for Houses and Multiplexes The following dimensional standards for houses and multiplexes are required: Lot Standards for Alley-Loaded Lots Minimum Lot Size 4,000 square feet Lot Width 40 feet Front Lot Line 35 feet Lot Standards for Frontage-Facing Garage in the Rear Yard Minimum Lot Size 5,500 square feet Lot Width 50 feet Front Lot Line 40 feet Lot Standards for Frontage-Facing Garage Not in the Rear Yard Minimum Lot Size 7,150 square feet Lot Width 65 feet Front Lot Line 55 feet Number of Buildings Maximum Principal Building 1 per lot Accessory Structure 1 per lot Minor Accessory Structure 1 per lot Principal Building Setbacks Minimum Front Yard 10 feet Side Yard 5 feet Rear Yard 15 feet Rear Yard Abutt ng an Alley See building type for garage setbacks Appurtenance Encroachments into Setbacks Front Yard 6 feet max Side Yard Not Permitted Rear Yard 6 feet max, but no closer than 10 feet from lot line Steps may encroach up to the front lot line, but no closer than 5 feet from a side or rear lot line Accessory Structure Setbacks Location At least 5 feet behind the principal building At least 5 feet from any lot line Building Height Maximum Principal Building 2.5 stories Accessory Structure 1.5 stories, but shall not exceed the height of the principal building Minor Accessory Structure 1 Story Landscape Minimum Landscape Surface Area 30% Alternate Standards For lots in recorded subdivisions, if there are different dimensional standards on the final plat, then those standards on the final plat shall govern