Franklin Zoning Ordinance

159 TRANSITIONAL FEATURES Transitional Features Outside of the CFO, CAO1, CAO2, or CAO3 08 Chapter Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective July 1, 2024 8.1 Transitional Features Outside of the CFO, CAO1, CAO2, or CAO3 8.1.1 Applicability A. This Section shall apply to new development proposed outside of the CFO, CAO1, CAO2, or CAO3, in order to achieve design compatibility between new and existing development, where the existing development is established and expected to remain, pursuant to Envision Franklin. 8.1.2 Transition Zones Abutting Residential Lots A. Transition Zone Descriptions The transition zones below shall be required along the edge of: 1. A nonresidential, mixed-use, multifamily, or townhouse development site where it abuts an existing lot for a house, duplex, or multiplex; or 2. A townhouse development site where it abuts an existing lot for a house, duplex, or multiplex. Transition Area Minimum Width Requirements Transition Zone 1 25 feet buffer with plantings Transition Zone 2 50 feet restricted use Transition Zone 3 50 feet building height and form Figure 8.1.2 Transition Zones Abutting Residential Lots 3 2 1 1 Zone 1 (25 ft wide) 2 Zone 2 (50 ft wide) 3 Zone 3 (50 ft wide) Residential Lot B. Transition Zone 1: Buffer 1. Transition Zone 1 shall be a 25-foot wide area along the edge of the development site that serves as a buffer. The buffer shall comply with Section 12.7, Buffers, and shall contain the following plantings: Type of Material Number per 100 Linear Feet Minimum Evergreen Canopy Trees 5 50% Understory Trees 5 50% Shrubs 60 75% 2. Fences and walls may be used in the buffer. Fences and walls shall comply with the following: a. The fence or wall shall have a minimum opacity of 75 percent; b. The fence or wall shall be a minimum height of six feet, unless