Franklin Zoning Ordinance

161 TRANSITIONAL FEATURES Transitional Features In the CFO, CAO1, CAO2, or CAO3 08 Chapter Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective July 1, 2024 building height shall be balanced across the intersection. A viewshed analysis is required as per Paragraph 20.8.8.C. 8.1.4 Perimeter Residential Development A. Single-Family Residential Lots New single-family residential lots on the perimeter of a proposed development, where abutting existing lots in a recorded residential subdivision, shall be no less than 75 percent of the average lot size of the abutting lots. B. Duplexes or Multiplexes Duplexes or multiplexes, where permitted along the perimeter of the proposed development, that are adjacent to singlefamily residential lots in a recorded subdivision shall have comparable building facade widths to the houses on the adjacent residential lots and shall not exceed one story in height above any adjacent house. 8.2 Transitional Features In the CFO, CAO1, CAO2, or CAO3 8.2.1 Applicability A. This Section shall apply to new development proposed in the CFO, CAO1, CAO2, or CAO3, to achieve design compatibility between new and existing development, where the existing development is established and expected to remain, pursuant to Envision Franklin. B. The standards in this Chapter may be used, all or in part, to achieve design compatibility between land uses, subdivisions, sites, lots, or structures, subject to the approval of the applicable review body, with consideration given to Envision Franklin and the Historic District Design Guidelines, where applicable. 8.2.2 Conflicting Provisions A. In cases where the standards of this Section and other Chapters conflict, the more restrictive standard shall apply. B. Within the HPO district, where Historic District Design Guidelines and this Chapter conflict, the Historic District Design Guidelines shall take precedence. 8.2.3 Building Setbacks Where the existing development is established and expected to remain, pursuant to Envision Franklin, the minimum front yard setback shall be the average setback of existing buildings on the same block face. No new building shall be located closer to the front lot line than the closest adjacent building. 8.2.4 Building Height, Scale, and Massing A. Residential development other than multifamily shall comply with the following: 1. Facade widths of adjacent buildings and buildings on opposing sides of a street shall be consistent with each other such that neither facade exceeds the other’s dimensions by more than 25 percent. 2. Building height shall not exceed onehalf story above the average height of existing residential buildings on the same block face, but in no case shall exceed the zoning district maximum height. B. At the edge of an underlying zoning district where the adjacent district has a lower maximum building height, buildings shall transition in height using methods outlined in Paragraph 8.2.4.C. C. Nonresidential, mixed-use, and multifamily development shall graduate the massing and scale of the new building using the