83 OVERLAY ZONING DISTRICTS SCO—Scenic Corridor Overlay District 04 Chapter Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 Notes: 1. Other types of fences or walls, such as split rail, wrought iron, or brick walls, may be approved by the Department of Planning and Sustainability, if the applicant demonstrates that such a fence or wall is more appropriate based on fencing in surrounding developments, historical antecedents, or similar considerations. B. Existing historic stone walls shall be preserved, unless removal of a segment is necessary for the extension of a street, internal drive, or driveway. In these cases, only the minimum width necessary shall be removed, pursuant to applicable requirements, and the remaining wall shall be stabilized. Excess removed stone wall segments shall be relocated on the site. 4.9.7 Grading The natural, existing topography of a site shall be used in development and grading shall be minimized. Mass grading techniques are prohibited. 4.9.4 Prohibited Encroachments Buildings, parking areas, parking area drive aisles, and streets or internal drives that parallel the scenic corridor shall be prohibited within the front yard setback. 4.9.5 Landscape Requirements Street trees are not required along the scenic corridor. Instead, there shall be a 20-foot landscape easement along the entire length of frontage along the scenic corridor with the following plantings: A. A minimum of three canopy trees and three understory trees for every 100 linear feet. In overhead utility easements, understory trees may be substituted for canopy trees; B. Trees placed informally or coordinated with fencing and planted pursuant to Section 12.9, Planting Standards. 4.9.6 Fences and Walls A. Fencing and walls within the scenic corridor setback shall be limited to the following: Type of Fence1 Height Material Three-board Horse Fence 3.5 feet maximum Wood Four-or more board Horse Fence 4.5 feet maximum Wood Picket Fence 3 feet maximum Wood Stone Wall 3 feet Natural stone stacked in the dry-stack method Scenic Corridor Intersecting Street Intersecting Street Minimum Front Yard Setback Roy F Alley Court East of Mack Hatcher Parkway West of Carlisle Lane 150 feet Notes: 1.In the R4 district, the R4 front yard setback shall apply.