Franklin Zoning Ordinance

10 176 Chapter Parking PARKING AND TRANSIT Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective July 1, 2024 10.1.7 Parking Spaces Available to Count Towards Minimum Parking Standards Parking spaces available to count towards the minimum parking standards include the following: A. Parking spaces on the lot; B. Demarcated parallel parking spaces abutting a lot for a nonresidential, mixeduse, or multifamily residential use. Spaces may not be double counted; and C. Parking spaces per an approved alternative parking plan per Subsection 10.1.10, Alternative Parking Plan. 10.1.8 Parking Location The location of parking shall be in accordance with the applicable frontage type per Chapter 7, Frontage Types. 10.1.9 Parking Structures A. In the CFO and CAO, parking structures shall have active ground-floor uses along all street frontages. Parking structures shall comply with the commercial/mixed-use building type. Openings shall be vertically oriented to appear as window openings that meet the intent of the building type standards. B. Outside of the CFO and CAO, where along an arterial or collector street, parking structures shall be screened by buildings at least as tall as the parking structures. C. Outside of the CFO and CAO, parking structures shall be visually similar in character to the principal building by: 1. Matching the materials or being composed of brick; and 2. Vertically orienting the openings to appear as windows of the same size and rhythm as the principal building. D. Parking structures are subject to the maximum principal building height as permitted per the applicable zoning district. E. Vehicular entrances of parking structures shall be located so that potential conflicts with pedestrian circulation are minimized. F. Multiple pedestrian entrances shall be included for each parking structure. 10.1.10 Alternative Parking Plan The alternative parking plan may use any combination of the following alternatives, subject to DRT approval: A. Shared Parking Shared parking by two or more uses with different operational characteristics and peak hours of demand may be a permitted alternative when it meets the following: 1. The applicant shall submit a shared parking study that justifies the feasibility of using shared parking with: a. Information from a nationallyaccepted standard parking resource using comparable uses and cities, as approved by the Department of Planning and Sustainability; b. The size and type of the proposed development and the composition of uses; c. Anticipated rate of parking turnover; and d. Anticipated peak parking and traffic loads for all uses that will be sharing parking spaces. 2. A continuous sidewalk shall be provided to and from the shared parking area; 3. Shared parking spaces shall be located within 1,320 feet (five-minute walk) of a main entrance of each use served, as measured along the sidewalk connecting the main entrance to the