Franklin City Hall Masterplan

38 Establishing The Vision Franklin City Hall Master Plan Cornerstone Pres Church Biscuit Love Private Residence Williamson County Courthouse ±48’ ±37’ ±55’ 231 Public Square ±45’ ±54’ 2nd Ave Parking Garage ±35’ Church Brownstones ±54’ Pull-Tight Theatre 202 Church Gallery 202 203 3rd Ave SENSITIVITY TO THE SURROUNDING CONTEXT LEGEND: OPPORTUNITIES, CHALLENGES, & GOALS This zone relates to the height, massing, and scale of the surrounding three story structures. The ridge of the historic courthouse, the parking garage, and 231 Public Square are all three stories in height. 231 Public Square has a partial fourth story set back approximately 20’ from the elevation facing the Square and the elevation facing East Main Street. A three story structure within this zone on the City Hall site would be appropriate in relation to the height, massing, and scale of the immediate surrounding context. 3 STORY MASSING ZONE This zone relates to the height, massing, and scale of the Williamson County Historic Courthouse. The eave line is a tall two story structure with a three story ridge line. A two to three story structure would be appropriate in relation to the height, massing, and scale of the Williamson County Courthouse. One approach to this zone would be a predominantly two-story structure with a third story set back from Third Avenue 2-3 STORY MASSING ZONE This zone relates to the height, massing, and scale of the existing structures along Third Avenue and Church Street. The residential scale, character, and massing on the South end of Third Avenue and along Church Street consist mainly of one and two story structures. A one to two story structure within this zone on the city hall site would be appropriate in relation to the height, massing, and scale of the immediate surrounding context. 1-2 STORY MASSING ZONE