Envision Franklin

Implementation | ENVISION FRANKLIN 109 POLICY-BASED DECISIONS The Plan should work in coordination with the Connect Franklin, the Parks Master Plan, the Capital Improvements Plan, the Integrated Water Resources Plan, and other City planning documents. All of these guiding documents are interconnected and should be used to make decisions about managing growth, infrastructure investment, planning community amenities, preserving historic and natural resources, and designing development that enhances Franklin’s unique identity and character. LAND REGULATION TOOLS Effective implementation requires consistency between the Plan and the City’s regulatory documents. The Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Regulations, Street Specifications, and Stormwater Ordinance should be reviewed and updated, as needed, to minimize conflicts and to ensure consistent implementation of the Plan. The Zoning Ordinance is the regulatory tool most associated with land use planning, and its requirements should make it easy for developers to do what the community wants for its future. COORDINATION AND PARTNERSHIPS Various planning elements are interconnected between many City initiatives, non-profit-based community projects, private development, and regional plans. The City should assume a leadership role in promoting strong partnerships between city, regional, and state public agencies; community groups and non-profit organizations; the local business community; neighborhoods; and the private sector. The City should conduct outreach and continuing education on the Plan’s vision and principles by encouraging developers, builders, and the business community to help implement the Plan. “ALL OF THESE GUIDING DOCUMENTS ARE INTERCONNECTED AND SHOULD BE USED TO MAKE DECISIONS...”