Envision Franklin

Vision & Guiding Principles | ENVISION FRANKLIN 15 THE CITY SEEKS RESPONSIBLE AND PURPOSEFUL GROWTH THAT ENHANCES QUALITY OF LIFE, PROVIDES A DYNAMIC MIX OF LAND USES, AND PRESERVES ITS SCENIC BEAUTY. A. Strategic growth is encouraged in locations supported by existing City infrastructure and services or where they are planned to be provided in an efficient and orderly manner. The extension of infrastructure and public services should be used as a tool that strategically directs where growth should take place, not as a reactive response to development. B. Regional commercial and employment centers should be focused along regional transportation facilities and at intersections of arterial streets. These areas should have a more compact land-use pattern to support the efficient use of resources and alternative transportation. C. Land-use policies, infrastructure improvements, and community facility investments should be coordinated to maximize efficiency and public benefit while minimizing negative impacts of growth. D. Annexation within the UGB should be approached in a comprehensive manner that promotes contiguity and orderly growth, efficient delivery of municipal services, and proactive planning for future development. E. Franklin should coordinate with Brentwood, Thompson’s Station, Spring Hill, Williamson County, and the Nashville Area MPO to manage the quality and density of growth along the City/UGB boundaries. MANAGED GROWTH