Envision Franklin

Vision & Guiding Principles | ENVISION FRANKLIN 21 EXCEPTIONAL DESIGN BUILDINGS A. Buildings contribute to the fabric of the City, and they should reflect distinctive architectural style and high-quality materials that are unique to Franklin. B. The front building facade of principal buildings should be oriented toward the street. Buildings should activate the street by creating an inviting pedestrian experience. Architectural elements should add visual interest at a human scale. Long, blank walls are discouraged. C. Buildings at intersections should have a similar level of architectural detail for the side elevation as the front elevation. Distinctive architectural features that define the corner are encouraged. Buildings at the end of a street should be a visual terminus; architectural features should reflect the prominence of their location. D. Parking should be secondary to the building and its relationship to the street. Generally, parking should be located behind the building, under the building, or in parking structures behind active ground-floor uses that activate the street. On-street parking should be encouraged. Views from the street should not be of parking lots. E. Sustainable building practices and site design should be encouraged in new development and redevelopment by building up and not out. Energy-efficiency strategies, onsite renewable-energy generation, green infrastructure, and low-impact development techniques should be encouraged. PUBLIC REALM F. Franklin should have great streets that create a vibrant public realm by using pedestrian-friendly design, street furnishings, lighting, street trees, and other plantings. Street-facing retail, outdoor dining areas, public art, and other elements are encouraged to further enhance the attractiveness and energy of the street. G. Squares, plazas, and other open spaces should be prominent and engaging public gathering spaces. These spaces should be well-defined focal points, visible from streets, and framed by buildings, not parking lots, to create points of interest that are compelling places for citizens. Public art, such as sculptures, decorative benches, and/ or other art elements strategically placed in prominent locations for public viewing are encouraged. H. Natural open spaces should be thoughtfully designed around natural features, to highlight these amenities, while providing convenient public access for use and enjoyment, as well as connectivity to other open spaces. HIGH-QUALITY DESIGN OF BUILDINGS, PUBLIC SPACES, STREETS, PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES, AND LANDSCAPING WILL WORK TOGETHER TO ENHANCE THE PUBLIC REALM AND CREATE EXCEPTIONAL PLACES FOR PEOPLE.