Envision Franklin

Design Concepts | ENVISION FRANKLIN 35 USES Primary Single-Family Residential Secondary Big Houses, Duplexes, Farmstead Compound, Institutional, and Recreation FORM Building Placement Residential lots and infrastructure should be located to respect natural features and to maximize the proximity of lots to open space. Residential lots should be clustered to preserve a minimum of 50 percent of natural open space. Grading techniques that dramatically alter site vegetation and topography should be prohibited. Developments should use the natural, existing topography and minimize grading to the maximum extent practicable. Buildings and their main entrances should be oriented toward the street. Double frontage, reverse frontage, and flag lots are discouraged. Front-yard setbacks should be consistent along each block, but may vary between neighborhoods or between sections of neighborhoods. Side- and rear-yard setbacks of new buildings should be designed to maintain privacy for both new and existing neighboring properties. Building Character Architectural sensitivity for new developments should be observed. The style and architecture should draw from the character of the surrounding area and historically significant buildings. Detached garages and attached garages that face the side or rear are encouraged over attached, front-facing garages for single-family residential development. If attached, front-facing garages are proposed, the garage should be recessed from the front facade of the dwelling. Other dwelling types, such as big houses and duplexes, should have rear-entry garages. Building Height Maximum of two and one-half stories Lot Size Lots on the periphery of developments should be sized to be consistent with the existing lots of adjacent neighborhoods. Single-family lots with dwellings having attached garages that face the front, side, or rear should have a minimum width of 65 feet and a minimum lot size of 7,150 square feet. Single-family lots with dwellings having front-facing detached garages should have a minimum width of 50 feet and a minimum lot size of 5,500 square feet. Lots with single-family dwellings accessed by alleys should have a minimum lot width of 40 feet and a minimum lot size of 4,000 square feet. However, if infrastructure, drainage, and parking concerns are adequately addressed, up to 15% of the total number of residential units could be on narrower lots with a reduced minimum lot size as long as they are interspersed throughout the proposed development. CONSERVATION SUBDIVISION