Envision Franklin

34 ENVISION FRANKLIN | Design Concepts The Conservation Subdivision design concept supports primarily single-family residential development that clusters lots and infrastructure and sets aside a substantial amount of property as permanently protected open space in its natural state. New development should preserve a minimum of 50 percent open space, strategically targeted toward scenic vistas, greenways, pastures, trails, woodlands, or other uses that maintain scenic character, protect habitat value, and contribute to the quality of life for residents. These areas generally have higher quantities of environmental resources in rural areas or along the periphery of the City that are desired to be preserved. Less dense development, planned with large, contiguous tracts of open space to be retained in perpetuity, is expected in these locations. CONSERVATION SUBDIVISION “...OPEN SPACE SHOULD BE MASTER PLANNED IN LARGE, CONTIGUOUS TRACTS AND RETAINED IN PERPETUITY AS SCENIC VISTAS, GREENWAYS, PASTURES, TRAILS, WOODLANDS....”