Envision Franklin

40 ENVISION FRANKLIN | Design Concepts The Development Reserve includes areas along the fringes of the Franklin UGB and is characterized by agricultural uses and single-family residential uses on significant acreage. Public sewer access is unavailable in these areas. Rural road widths are not capable of handling high traffic volumes. New growth should only be encouraged in areas where adequate public water, sewer, and streets are available or are planned. A development suitability analysis, further described in Appendix B, was performed to help determine where development reserve areas are located. These areas should be subject to further planning in coordination with planned infrastructure improvements and public-service delivery. Until adequate infrastructure is available, the land use recommendation is to preserve these areas for future municipal growth and development. Development in the county is not encouraged where it would restrict or prevent the future extension of water, sewer, and roadway improvements for the buildout of these areas. Annexation suitability was also studied and further described in Appendix C. Historic site features such as cemeteries, barns, accessory structures, and agriculturally related features should be preserved in their locations and context with careful site design around them to preserve the character of Franklin. Any new buildings should be designed around natural features to protect forested areas, hillsides and hilltops, water resources, and tree rows. DEVELOPMENT RESERVE “THESE AREAS SHOULD BE SUBJECT TO FURTHER PLANNING IN COORDINATION WITH PLANNED INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS AND PUBLIC SERVICE DELIVERY”