Envision Franklin

Introduction | ENVISION FRANKLIN 5 BASIS IN STATE LAW The Tennessee Code Annotated Section 13-4-201 authorizes the City of Franklin to create a general plan for physical development. According to State law, the general plan must contain the following elements: (1) recommendations for the physical development of the area of the municipal planning jurisdictions; and (2) Identification of areas where there are inadequate or nonexistent publicly or privately owned and maintained services and facilities when the Planning Commission has determined the services are necessary for development to occur. ROLE OF THE PLAN Envision Franklin serves as the City’s General Plan and provides guidance on the future growth and development of the community. The Plan articulates the long-term vision of the kind of places that Franklin’s residents, businesses, and institutions want for their future. The Plan provides policies that reinforce this collective vision by directing future development in a way that should strengthen the City and create exceptional places for people. The Plan lays the foundation for long range planning and zoning across the city through two major components. Guiding principles further describe the vision and the community desired planning outcomes. Design concepts provide specific land use and site design recommendations for future development and redevelopment. The Plan sets forth the framework that provides direction in making land-use decisions, managing the quality of development, determining the timing and location of future growth, and directing investment and development activity. It is meant to be a dynamic tool that responds to changes and is updated periodically. The Plan should work in partnership with the Connect Franklin, the Parks Master Plan, the Capital Improvements Plan, the Integrated Water Resources Plan, and other City planning documents. Each are components of an interconnected, comprehensive approach to guiding the future of the City.