Envision Franklin

Design Concepts | ENVISION FRANKLIN 51 Parking Off- and on-street. Off-street parking should be provided to the rear of buildings. MOBILITY Vehicular Vehicular connections should be provided through adjacent developments, connect to the existing street network, and provide an interconnected sidewalk and street network in a grid or modified grid pattern. Streets and internal drives should be designed for slower speeds to allow for pedestrian safety. If there are existing street connections or stubouts adjacent to proposed developments, then those in the proposed developments should connect to the existing street network. If there are no existing street or stubout connections, then other locations should be identified in order to increase connectivity between developments. Bicycle and Pedestrian A coordinated pedestrian system should be provided throughout the area and in infill developments. Infill developments should provide connections between uses on the site and between the site and adjacent properties and rights-of-way. Transit Transit stops should be provided along existing or planned routes. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS Hooper Lane New developments or redevelopments should respect the rural character of Franklin Road and Harlinsdale Park. New or resubdivided lots should be a minimum of 4,000 square feet, and new dwellings should be single-family cottages that do not exceed one and one half stories. Buildings are also subject to the Historic District Design Guidelines. Murfreesboro Road and Rebecca Court The rear of the properties along Murfreesboro Road, with frontage on Rebecca Court, may develop with a row of single-family dwellings with lot sizes reflecting those on the north side of Rebecca Court in order to complete the street. Institutional Uses Institutional uses may be appropriate if their locations do not negatively impact access, scale, and traffic of the surrounding area. The conversion of dwellings in existing residential neighborhoods for institutional uses is not appropriate. Institutional uses should maintain the residential scale of its surroundings. Franklin Grove contains a stately historic home as its campus’ focal point. Any expansion of the site or further development should be sensitively designed to preserve the historic structure and its setting. HISTORIC RESIDENTIAL